Gen. Kanit Permsub congratulated by Community leaders on his 68th birthday


General Kanit Permsub, Deputy Chief Aide-de-Camp, General to H.M. the King, and Khunying Busyarat invited family, friends and community leaders to their home for day of prayer and celebration to mark his 68th birthday.

Chief abbot Phra Khru Visuthipiyakorn together with eight monks from Wat Boon Samphan temple led the devout in prayer to give blessings to the beloved couple.

General Kanit is held in high esteem by those who know him for his unbounded love and loyalty to His Majesty the King and his devotion to the Royal Family. He affectionately speaks of the love and benevolence of our King for the people of Thailand.

Stating that his Majesty has never stopped working for His people throughout the more than 65 years of His reign and that he is  deeply concerned about His subjects and keeps a close watch on the developments of His country. This year His Majesty is concerned about the flooding situation in Thailand. He is constantly giving advice to all concerned on ways to relieve the hardships the people affected by this  disaster.

Gen Kanit again emphasized that, “His Majesty cares and loves everyone, Thais and foreigners alike. He has always stressed that He protects everyone who lives under His umbrella of Righteous and Benevolent rule.”

After the ceremonies, guests were feted to lunch which consisted of a large variety of Thai dishes which guests brought along as their contribution to the party.