Crazy baht bus drivers on the hill


Dear Editor;

I have been coming to Pattaya now for over 12 years and I always stay with all the British lads who are based in the Cosy Beach area.

One big problem which I wish would go to the government at City Hall is the rude baht bus drivers based outside Mountain Beach Hotel. They come up and down Cosy Beach traveling at high speeds and it’s only time before someone gets killed.

I was with a group of friends in the Mountain Bar the other night when this baht bus driver came charging down the road and knocked over a dog. If it was not for us yelling and screaming at the driver to back up he would have killed the dog as it was trapped under the front wheel. Luckily it escaped but is not good at all and is being cared for by one of the very loyal locals here in Cosy Beach.

The baht bus driver just did not give a dam or even get out to see how the poor dog was. Really bad person this driver.

What I am asking is please, please can we get speed bumps put up and down the road in Cosy Beach to stop these baht buses speeding up and down? It’s getting to the stage now where it’s not going to be long before someone is killed.


Stewart Ex Pat