Omani patient infected with MERS now cured and traveling back to Oman


BANGKOK, – Ministry of Public Health has allowed the patient infected with the MERS virus to return to his home country of Oman after lab results indicated that he has been cured.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health Dr Sopon Mekthon revealed that the patient from Oman, the 2nd MERS patient in Thailand, has been released from quarantine on February 11 after 2 lab tests, conducted according to World Health Organization standards, revealed that he has been cured.

The patient had been hospitalized for 21 days after contracting the virus from Thailand’s first patient, who was hospitalized for 14 days.

As for the 40 individuals who came into contact with the patient, test results yielded no signs of the virus and were released on February 5-6.

The Ministry of Public Health continues to monitor airports and hospitals for signs of the virus and has advised travelers who have experienced symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat to see a doctor immediately.