Buddhists, Muslims come together at Islamic Solidarity Project


Harmony between Buddhists and Muslims was the goal when Nongprue Deputy Mayor Eneak Pattana-ngam hosted the Islamic Solidarity Project at Thammasat University’s Pattaya campus.

The Aug. 20 seminar was attended by Nongprue councilors, Islamic clerics and local mosque leaders, and organized to bond people with different religious beliefs.

Over 100 local Mosque committee members joined the project.Over 100 local Mosque committee members joined the project.

Organizers said that, on the surface, Buddhism and Islam have more differences than similarities in their philosophies. While Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in worshiping an almighty god, Buddhism rejects the notion of a creator but does honor enlightened beings as deities.

Buddhism preaches vegetarianism and shunning alcohol and drugs. Islam also forbids alcohol but does not preach vegetarianism.

The objectives of the project were to create solidarity, work and live together in harmony and develop the quality of life in both the Muslim and Buddhist communities.