Public asked to help prevent dengue


NONTHABURI, 14 June 2015 – The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is urging the public to help in the prevention of dengue fever by getting rid of mosquito larva, as the number of dengue patients could rise to 70,000.

The Minister of Public Health Rajata Rajatanavin cited a report from the Department of Disease Control (DDC) showing the number of accumulated dengue patients in Thailand from January to 9 June 2015 was at 17,242 persons. There were 11 fatalities.

Dengue fever patients are most commonly found in the central region of Thailand, followed by the northeastern region, the southern region and the northern region. The total number of patients for the entire year has a possibility of reaching as high as 70,000 if prevention measures are not strictly enforced.

The MOPH Minister said that the public should eliminate the conditions of breeding spots of mosquitos and larva as the rainy season is the period where dengue spreads the most. Provincial public health offices have been appointed to provide knowledge to the public on the symptoms and characteristics of dengue fever, as well as the prevention measures in an attempt to minimize the fatalities of this disease.

Doctors have been urged to provide careful diagnosis to all patients, as there are currently no specific medicine to cure dengue.

The MOPH Minister also mentioned that 15 June of every year is the ASEAN Dengue Day to raise awareness among the public in the prevention measures of dengue, which is considered a big common health issue in ASEAN that affects 200,000 people annually.