Invasion should meet 3 conditions



Re: Don’t twist the Tiger’s Tail (PM Friday, 06 March 2015) – An “invasion” should meet each of the following three conditions:

• It violated the U.N. Charter, which says in Article 2, Paragraph 4 that member countries shall refrain “from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

• It didn’t qualify as a permitted exception for the use of force under the U.N. Charter. The charter permits military action in the case of “self-defense if an armed attack occurs” or if the U.N. Security Council authorizes armed force.

• It involves ground troops entering another country.

“Iran has not attacked another country in over 100 years” – No but their support and backing of terrorists worldwide and the resultant death of scores of innocents and children is a pure and simple fact since the Mullahs took over. To treat Iran as anything else … is being very naive.

Britain has invaded all but 22 countries in the world in its long and colourful history.

The European nations in their “colonization” era have killed raped and pillaged in the name of king/queen and country more than any other, so let’s get some perspective before throwing around the “unnamed villains” speech.

So let’s get details of those “80 countries” since WW2 please.

M Cambl