No booze for 3 weekends



What is the election commission thinking, banning alcohol for 3 straight weekends?  This has got to be hurting tourism, and just when more tourism is needed.  But aside from the tourists wanting a weekend piss-up, the bar owners must be livid.  I can understand closing the bars on the day of the election, but not for two straight days, and Saturday and Sunday no less.

One thing has come to light, though, and that is the ban of alcohol sales between 2 and 5 every afternoon.  Since the bars were closed and I was forced to play on the Internet on Saturday night, I finally found the first slightly understandable explanation for this.  A while back, it seems, there was a big problem with workers drinking on the job, in factories and such.  I suppose the 2 to 5 p.m. ban was to make sure those workers couldn’t get pissed in the afternoon.  This might have worked for a week or two, but the true alcoholics probably would then just stock up before 2 p.m. If anyone has a better idea about why this law is still enforced, I’d like to hear it.


Crash Bailey