CDC reached conclusion on charter drafting directives


BANGKOK, 13 November 2014 – The Constitutional Drafting Committee has reached a conclusion on the charter drafting directives.

CDC spokesman Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich said on Wednesday that the drafters’ meeting agreed that the drafting process would be chiefly focused on four areas, including the monarchy and the people, the political leadership and political institutions, the judicial system and the reform and the reconciliation.

Gen. Lertrat added that the meeting also approved the proposed setting up of 10 sub-committees to draft the charter in accordance with the four areas of focus.

He said that the CDC has already set schedules to meet with various political parties, including the former ruling Pheu Thai Party, which will attend the meeting on November 17.

The CDC’s meetings with other political parties and interest groups, including the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, which led months of rallies to overthrow the government of former PM Yingluck Shinawatra, are also set on later dates, Gen. Lertrat said.