EGAT holds public hearing on Thepha coal power plant project in Songkhla


SONGKHLA, 2 November 2014 – Over 3,000 people residing around the planned sites of the Thepha Coal Power Plant and its sea port in Songkhla participated in a public hearing forum held at the Subdistrict Administrative Organization office in Thepha District today.

Organized by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the forum was attended by community and religious leaders, representatives from environment-related NGOs and educational institutions, as well as local people from four districts namely Thepha, Chana, Na Thawi and Saba Yoi. The hearing allowed EGAT officials to collect information to be used in the drawing up of an Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) of the project.

Acting Maj. Anuchart Palakawong Na Ayuthaya, Chief of Environment Management of the project revealed that the EHIA will be conducted to assess positive and negative impacts of the project on public health and overall environment. Consequently, prevention and mitigation plans will be laid down beforehand to deal with possible threats.

The Thepha Coal Power Plant has been drawn up to strengthen energy security in the southern region which is experiencing an increase of 6% in energy demand each year. The project will also create more jobs and stimulate regional economy.