Switch the lights off



The two roads alongside the railway line have been built to improve the flow of traffic; unfortunately not much thought has been given to the problems that are encountered by several busy roads crossing these roads. When the traffic lights were in operation, it very quickly became apparent that the chaos caused by these lights reached an unacceptable level. To alleviate the problem the lights were switch off and low and behold the traffic started flowing again – not a great solution, but it worked.

To improve this situation, probably to avoid accidents which have occurred, the lights have been reintroduced – now there is complete chaos. The traffic doesn’t flow, there are very long cues caused by a totally impossible sequence of light changes, and now motorists are taking the law into their own hands and starting to cross on red (a recipe for accidents).

As a law abiding citizen I do not approve of this action, but I must say the patience of motorists is stretched to the limit by a light sequence which makes no sense at all. This morning I was travelling 300m on Soi Toonklon-Talman towards the crossing of the two roads; this momentous journey lasted 5 minutes, and all commuters travelling into town had to wait 3 minutes for the light to turn green, for 15 a second duration.

Conclusion: Take the easy way out and switch the lights off, or use experts studying the situation on site and come up with acceptable sequences of light changes.

Hans Steiner