Pattaya road contractors ignore stop-work orders over holiday

Pattaya City administrators are a little upset that some contractors did not comply with the requests to cease construction work during the long holidays so as not to inconvenience local and foreign tourists.

Pattaya will pursue contractors who ignored orders to suspend roadwork during the recent holiday weekend.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai said Aug. 2 that the city had sent letters to all firms working on storm-drainage and road-construction projects throughout the city ordering them to suspend work and clear traffic lanes as much as possible during the July 28-31 long weekend.

Some, particularly the massive project on Second Road, ignored the order, filling the street with big trucks, backhoes and soil debris, causing narrower traffic lanes, serious traffic jams and inconvenience to commuters.

Manote blamed Pattaya police for muddying the waters by sending out its own letter to city hall, which they did not reply to the police on what it had already been doing. The deputy mayor promised to better coordinate its actions with the Pattaya Police Station.

At the same time, Pattaya officials will contact all contractors who ignored the stop-work order and force them to comply in the future, even if it means offering more time on their already overdue contracts, he said.

Pattaya will host music festivals every weekend in August. It’s unclear if roadwork will be stopped for those concerts.

This brave elderly tourist couple walks along precarious streets that drop down into deep ditches on their way to and from their hotel in Pattaya.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai said the city had sent letters to all firms working on road-construction projects ordering them to suspend work during the 4-day holiday, but they were grossly ignored.