Happy 21st birthday Pattaya Mail


Over the years, Pattaya Mail Media Group has been helping communities, being a medium for both Thais and foreigners as well as government agencies in providing extensive information for this tourist town. Now it is the 21st anniversary of the company already and Pattaya Mail is regarded as a highly recognized pioneer in media for foreigners. On this special occasion, I wish Pattaya Mail Media Group’s Managing Director Peter Malhotra and the team of staff and reporters success in journalism and continue to serve communities with righteousness and accuracy and I wish you all happiness forever. – Deputy Pattaya Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh

On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of Pattaya Mail Media Group, I wish the company prosperity, providing quick news and continue to grow and be a media of Pattaya forever. – Kittiwong Chaisupakit, General Manager of Alcazar Co, Ltd Pattaya

I want to take this opportunity on behalf of the entire team at Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort in North Pattaya to wish Peter and Tony and the entire Pattaya Mail family a very successful 22 year run for the Pattaya Mail. It really is a dynamic read for locals and tourists alike and we wish you continued success as Pattaya continues to grow and thanks also to the support you have given the Centara Group here in Pattaya, Cheers. – Robert John Lohrmann, General Manager of Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya

Montien Hotel’s personnel and I wish to congratulate Pattaya Mail Media Group for having been operating for 21 years already. I believe that Pattaya Mail newspaper is very popular in Pattaya and has been providing useful information to the communities. Thank you Pattaya Mail Media Group’s Managing Director Peter Malhotra and the working team for making Pattaya Mail the number one media in Pattaya and making it stand firmly with righteousness. We wish Pattaya Mail happiness and prosperity to no end. – Prayuth Thamdhum, General Manager of the Montien Hotel Pattaya

Hi Pattaya Mail! We have home delivery of Pattaya Mail every Friday and I enjoy reading your newspaper very much. Congratulations for your 21st anniversary. I wish you to be with us for a long time ahead, be successful and be a medium for expatriates and Pattaya, the tourist town forever. – Thomas Mccusker and Chalom Jamjaruern

Happy birthday Pattaya Mail. You are great newspaper. We love you. – Roger Fox from PCEC

Happy birthday Pattaya Mail on your 21st anniversary and of course you are a great newspaper. We always read your newspapers and we are also your subscriber. – Rotarian Michael Richard Todd-White.

I am happy for Pattaya Mail Media Group for having reached your 21st anniversary. I wish Pattaya Mail at least another 21 years further in business. You are our best media and I wish you would continue to work for society forever. – Les Edmonds from Pattaya Classical Music.

Congratulations to Pattaya Mail Media Group for standing along side of this tourist town, Pattaya, for as long as 21 years, earning regard as a strong company who works for the benefit of Pattaya’s communities. Definitely, we always read Pattaya Mail newspapers. Happy Birthday! – Judith Edmonds from PCEC

Hello Pattaya Mail! Congratulations on your 21st anniversary. I wish you will be with Pattaya City forever! – Jan Abbink, past president of the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard

Congratulations Peter on attaining twenty one years of excellence with the publication of the Pattaya Mail and it’s supplements. I have been reading the paper since its conception and wish you continued success in the future. Happy twenty first to you and all your staff. – Dennis Stark