French return to Pattaya petanque club

Many French Petanque lovers exercise in the evening at the Thai-French Road Cup Petanque Club.

The easing of coronavirus restrictions is allowing French petanque players to return to Pattaya.

Somya Boonphan, president of the Thai-French Road Cup Petanque Club, said about 100 long-time French members have made their way back to play in recent weeks with more expected as Thailand restarts its “Test & Go” tourist-entry scheme Feb. 1.

Petanque is a form of boules where the goal is, while standing inside a starting circle with both feet on the ground, to throw hollow metal balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball called a “cochonnet” or jack. The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel, but can also be played on grass, sand or other surfaces.

Somya said the club currently is running a promotion of just 30 baht a day to play or 900 baht a month for unlimited time.
On weekends, club members are divided into teams for practice.

The club is more than about exercise, Somya said. French and Thai people have become friends or even begun relationships.

Cementing relations between Thailand and France with Petanque.

Petanque couple: Joke (Thai man) and his foreign partner.

Somya Boonphan, president of the Thai-French Road Cup Petanque Club, said about 100 long-time French members have made their way back to play in recent weeks.