NCPO activities can help achieve national reconciliation


BANGKOK, June 2 —  Reconciliation activities organized by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will help bring about love and unity among people who have differences in political ideologies, according to a spokesman of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC).

Having been assigned by NCPO to help create unity in the country and assist national reform, ISOC began Saturday carrying out activities in areas divided by political ideologies to help restore harmony among the people.

During the activities, people were invited for luncheon meetings for talks and get to understand each other.

ISOC spokesman Col Banpot Poolpian said the reconciliation activities will not deepen divisions among colour-coded political groups, nor will they lead to amnesty to political offenders, as many have thought.

He said those who have committed political offences will still have to face the judicial process.

Col Banpot said the NCPO expects that colour-coded political groups will be stamped out within the next two or three months in a peaceful manner.

The spokesperson said the reconciliation activities should also lead to achieving national reform.

He also urged people to monitor and express their opinions about the operations of the reconciliation centres which are being set up by the NCPO in various regions following the May 22 military coup.