Ministry of Commerce preps local businessmen for AEC


BANGKOK, 6 May 2014 — The Ministry of Commerce will be holding a seminar for local business operators with an aim to prepare them for the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Director-General of the Department of International Trade Nuntawan Sakuntanaga stated that the Ministry of Commerce, in cooperation with 20 public and private organizations, is planning to hold an informational seminar to help business operators prepare for the approaching AEC in 2015.

The topic of focus will be on doing business with Thailand’s neighboring countries — which are currently the country’s most important market as one-fourth of Thai exports are destined to the ASEAN region and the volume tends to rise on a continual basis.

The seminar will place emphasis on 4 main groups of products, namely food, lifestyle and furniture, heavy industrial products, clothes and accessories.

The seminar will be held on June 5, 2014 at the Department of International Trade Promotion.