Thais vote television the most trusted source of information in COVID-19 era

Suan Dusit Poll survey has found that television is the most trusted source of information in the COVID-19 era. The poll was conducted online among 1,213 people throughout the country from May 31 to June 3.

A survey by Suan Dusit Poll has found that television is the most trusted source of information in the COVID-19 era. The poll was conducted online among 1,213 people throughout the country from May 31 to June 3. The respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer to each question.

Regarding sources of information, 74.81% of respondents cited social media, 59.49% television, 34.13% private individuals, 29.66% news websites or apps and 6.46% short messages on smartphones.

For sources of information they trust, 85.24% picked television, 69.33% chose academics/analysts/researchers, 67.56% said government and private agencies, 57.79% prefer newspapers and 49.38% news websites of various agencies.

In terms of sources of legitimate information, 78.32% cited clear sources and references, 57.48% chose information from renowned and well-recognized agencies and organizations, 54.57% said information backed by strong evidence, 50.17% prefer information from government agencies with direct responsibility and 49.16% like information from academics or experts on certain issues. (NNT)