Mason Hill – Against the Wall

Mason Hill mimic their album cover and logo.

5 Stars

At last, like a shining light in the sky, something to get really excited about in the world of classic rock in these depressing days of the pandemic.

A group of young lads from Glasgow, Scotland, have finally managed to get their debut album out Against the Wall and it’s a scorcher.

Whilst at school in Glasgow, Scott Taylor and James Bird met and decided to take on and conquer the world of rock’ n’ roll.

James Bird was already an accomplished guitarist, having gigged around the country, sharing stages with the likes of Zak Wilde of Ozzy Osbourne fame.

Scott Taylor was only ever going to do one thing with his life, and that was to be the frontman of the greatest rock’ n’ roll band the world has ever known. The pair formed Mason Hill in 2013 and have stuck to their guns and principles since then.

On second guitar they have Marc Montgomery who does a fine job of keeping the guitars at the forefront of Mason Hills music.

Mason Hill are already used to playing to thousands of fans at giant music festivals.

On rock-solid bass guitar, they have Matthew Ward who gave up a career in microbiology, such was his dedication to the cause.

The star of the show though (well obviously in his own world) is drummer Craig McFetridge who was obviously taught his technique by Animal from the Muppets Band. His drumming is never less than spectacular, and during the quieter passages you can almost hear him gnashing at the leash, ready to be able to let rip again.

So we have five wonderfully diverse characters in the band, but all with their sights set on the top.

Their rise to superstardom has been steady, playing support slots, down the bill on big festivals, and releasing a fine four-track EP. But then, as with everybody else, everything had to be put on hold while the world sorts itself out.

But when the shackles come off, this Hill will become a mountain.

Mason Hill. You cannot keep a young group of Scots down.

One problem they might have is that there will not be many bands who will be brave enough to go on the road with this lot as support. Mason Hill will be very difficult to follow on stage as several bands have already found out to their cost.

The music is full-on in your face. There is plenty of light and shade, but after just one play you find yourself singing along, pumping your fist at the chorus, playing air guitar with your walking stick as you go down the road! (Or is that just me.)

The vocals are clear and precise, filled with feeling, but so you can understand every word. James Bird is obviously a very gifted guitarist, but he keeps the good of the band at the forefront, allowing the songs to flow. But when he does solo, hang onto your hats.

The songs range from the very catchy (DNA) to belting rockers (Find my Way and Hold On) to the massive power ballad (Where I Belong) which will have the stadium audiences holding their phones aloft in unison swaying along.

Rough and tumble with Mason Hill.

Mason Hill are the next big thing coming along and may hold the belt for saving classic rock with all the old bands reaching retirement age.

Written by Mott The Dog from the very edge of his seat on Pattaya’s Darkside.

At last, like a shining light in the sky, Mason Hill’s Against the Wall is something to get really excited about in the world of classic rock in these depressing days of the pandemic.