New Aussie government



Re: Aussie government wasting millions (PM Friday, 06 September 2013) – As predicted Australia now has a new government. We realise that we need the US more then they need us. Since they saved our arse in WW11 we have followed them into 3 wars; lets hope the debt has now been paid.

What we don’t need is to listen to John Kerry and his rushing around calling a strike on Syria. This man spent 4 months in Vietnam commanding a USN Swift Boat. He earned a “Silver Star” a “Bronze Star” & 3 “Purple hearts”. On paper this looks like he was a hero, but by reading of him on Google he was mostly full of B/S. He used his 3 Purple Hearts to get him home early. (3 strikes and you win a Homer.) None of his injuries needed more then first aid treatment. Now he wants to punish Syria for using gas on its people. This can not be justified but it brings us back to the Vietnam war and the use of Agent Orange, Napalm and White Phosphorous. Killing millions of people. For 2 years the US has ignored the death of 100,000 Syrians by accepted arms but when they copy what was done by others it is a crime against humanity. Are we so naive to believe that the USARIID facility at Fort Diteck Maryland does not have stockpiles of deadly gases? This facility has been operating since the 1950s and admits they do gave these WMDs but they are for defence purposes.

It all boils down to who gets their oil pipeline up and going first, the US or Russia. I can only hope our government will be happy to stay out of it and serve out their time, collect their pensions and leave the bullying to those that know it best.

Bryan Patricks