Taxi operators urge Govt’s help regarding the upcoming LPG price hike


BANGKOK, 26 Aug 2013 Taxi operators gathered at the Royal Plaza this morning (Aug 26), urging the government to come up with measures to help easing their burden on the upcoming LPG price hike which will be implemented on September 1. 

President of the Siam Taxi Co-operatives Limited, Vitoon Neawpanitch revealed that the objective of the gathering is to demand the government’s assistance on the PTT’s plan to raise the price of liquefied petroleum gas by 50 satang per kilogram beginning September 1.

Mr. Vitoon disclosed that the taxi cooperatives would submit a letter to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, asking her to quickly consider relief measures for the affected taxi operators.

He said that the letter would also contain several suggestions on the possible solutions such as adjusting initial meter fares to 40 baht, or maintaining the same 35 initial fare but increasing the fare rate instead.

Nonetheless Mr. Vitoon reaffirmed that the operators understand the need of the price hike and is not opposed to the policy as it was issued to help low income earners.