Public Health Min. organizes ‘Rare Disease Day Thailand’


BANGKOK – Health welfare programs have added 24 rare diseases to the national health insurance scheme, with all to be highlighted at the 10th Rare Disease Day Thailand, organized by the Ministry of Public Health.

The Thai Rare Disease Foundation, the Genetics Society of Thailand and Ramathibodi Hospital are each involved in this event, which had its opening presided over by the Deputy Minister of Public Health, Dr. Satit Pitutecha.

There are currently over 6,000 recorded rare diseases with up to 30,000 Thais suffering from such ailments. Unfamiliarity with the conditions can lead to issues in treatment starting with diagnosis.

So far, 24 such diseases have been added to the gold-card healthcare scheme ensuring equal access to health services and compelling the Government Pharmaceutical Organization to produce and distribute needed medicine.
