Wear a helmet



Re: Follow the law (PM Mailbag Friday, 17 May 2013) – Hey Jim, always have your paperwork with you when riding a bike and wear a helmet. It may be wise to buy yourself a decent, well fitting helmet, as it could save your life.

If you are stopped buy the police, never pay unless you get a ticket. Either you must pay at the police station or the police would have set up a “payment table” in the area that you have been stopped. There is no highway code, all I can say is what I do: I drive as I would in the UK, 40kph is fast enough to get where I want to go but slow enough to stop quickly if I have too.

Most of all, expect the unexpected when driving in Thailand. I have learned over my 20 something years in Thailand, smile and be polite at all times. Do this and I don’t think you will have any problems. I hope it helps.

