Help with my I-Pad2 with WIFI + 3G


Dear Editor;

I have just bought an I-Pad2 with WIFI +3G and was told there was a manual for this. There is nothing, yet, for this new model 2, and nothing in English.

Can someone help me please to set it up, download all the right programs and get me started. I have tried and tried but cannot get any of the main applications to work, through my own inadequacy.  I have downloaded the I-Pad2 manual in English but have not printed the 170 pages, but just kept referencing it with my I-Pad in front of my computer…but after more than a week, still nothing achieved.

So, please, please, please can any of your readers spare me some time and help me to get it loaded and working properly?  If you have the time and experience to help a 72 year-old Englishman out of trouble, please ring me: Derek: 081.838.8163 (email: [email protected])  I would be SO Grateful.

Best regards
