Drunk driver of tourist-loaded minivan hits, kills motorcyclist

Lumduan Sriwijan, the drunk driver of a public van filled with South Korean tourists, killed a motorcyclist and falsely claimed she was riding against traffic in Sattahip.
Lumduan Sriwijan, the drunk driver of a public van filled with South Korean tourists, killed a motorcyclist and falsely claimed she was riding against traffic in Sattahip.

The drunk driver of a public van filled with South Korean tourists killed a motorcyclist and falsely claimed she was riding against traffic in Sattahip.

Lumduan Sriwijan, 48, died at the scene of the June 10 accident on Sukhumvit Road in front of Koonsuk Village 2.

Buasorn Donkaew, 39, was arrested after a breathalyzer test showed 114 mg. of alcohol in his system, far above the legal limit.

Seven tourists inside his van emerged unhurt after Buasorn rear-ended Lumduan’s Honda Scoopy. The van suffered only bumper damage.

Buasorn dug himself a deeper hole by denying he’d been drinking and lying to officers that the motorcyclist was driving against traffic, even though he hit the back of the bike.