Phra Viriyang Sirintharo to speak in English on ‘Mind Power’ at a special evening of Meditation and Dharma


Dharma on Time, in cooperation with Diana Group, Pattaya Mail Media Group, Alvi’s Home of Thai Culture and Languages, and Rotary Clubs in Pattaya & Chonburi are organising a lecture on Meditation and Dharma at the Diana Resort on January 10.

The session in the English language will be conducted by the most revered Phra Viriyang Sirintharo, Lord Abbot of Wat Dhammamongkol, Bangkok, and Master Teacher of Meditation at the Willpower Institute.

Phra Viriyang Sirintharo. Phra Viriyang Sirintharo.

His Holiness Phra Viriyang Sirintharo explained the meaning of Mind Power saying, “Mind Power is the power within the mind which can be manifested through meditation. When ‘Mind Power’ reaches the proper level, it becomes very beneficial to humanity because ‘Mind Power’ can control your mind, without which even the smallest of disputes can turn into major conflicts which can cause disunity in our society.

“These conflicts can become a danger to our family, our society, our country and our world. But if you have attained a certain level of ‘Mind Power’ and can control your mind, even major conflicts can be reduced to a minimum. It will draw humanity to become of one heart and one mind, bringing happiness to our family, our society, our country and to our world.”

Sopin Thappajug, MD of the Diana Group, said that the special evening, which will include a sit down dinner, is her gift to the people of Pattaya to welcome in the New Year.

Dinner begins at 6.30 p.m. and the meditation and lecture commences at 7.45 p.m. The evening is fully sponsored by Diana Group without deducting any costs. Guests are encouraged to make a donation of 500 baht per person if they wish to do so. All proceeds will be donated to the Willpower Institute Foundation. For reservations please call 038 415 212-23, email: [email protected]