Disco denies staff assaulted Indian-Thai customer


The manager of an Indian discotheque on Walking Street denies that bouncers at his Pattaya club assaulted an Indian-Thai customer.

General Manager Pakphum Pratumdang, 40, brought security-camera footage from his Nashaa Club to Pattaya police March 17, saying the video proved that Depak Kuman Tiwaree, 30, lied about being beaten up and threatened by bouncers around 2 a.m. that morning.

General Manager Pakphum Pratumdang says he has video footage that the tourist was lying, but offered no explanation as to his injuries.
General Manager Pakphum Pratumdang says he has video footage that the tourist was lying, but offered no explanation as to his injuries.

Tiwaree came to Pattaya police with a cut to the forehead and swollen face claiming that bouncers took him to the back of the disco and assaulted him for taking photos inside the club. He also alleged one bouncer threatened to shoot him and throw his body into the sea.

Pakphum told a very different version of events, asserting that Pakphum asked to see him and they spoke in the back. During the conversation, he said the Indian national claimed he was a Central Intelligence Agency spy hunting for an Indian fugitive being harbored by the club and demanded 200,000 baht to let the club off the hook, Pakphum claimed.

The bar manager said the customer was drunk and took a box cutter, so he was ejected from the disco. The video, Pakphum asserted, does not show an attack, was proof he was not assaulted by bouncers.

Pattaya Mail media has not seen the video and cannot verify this claim.

Pakphum said Nashaa’s owners may now file criminal defamation charges against the man for damaging the disco’s reputation.