Dr Prasert the richest stock investor for 2016


Dr Prasert Prasartthong-osot, the proprietor of the Bangkok Hospital chain, was voted the richest stock investor for 2016 with the value of his stocks worth 67 billion baht – the ranking that he has held for four consecutive years.


The rankings of Thailand’s rich stock investors were conducted jointly by the stock investor and the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy of Chulalongkorn University.

According to the December edition of the magazine, Dr Prasert’s wealth of stocks this year amounted to 67,244.71 million baht, an increase of 7.82 percent or 4,879.52 million baht from last year’s.

The stocks that Dr Prasert is holding are mostly in three companies: BDMS or Bangkok Hospital chain in which he holds 18.26 percent of the stakes or 61,680.46 million baht; 10.61 percent stakes in Bangkok Airline or 5.5 billion baht; and 0.79 percent stake or 61.64 million baht in Nonthavech hospital.

The second richest stock investor is Mr Khiri Kanchanapas of the BTS electric train system. His wealth in stocks was valued at 29.3 billion baht. And the third place went to Mr Thongma Vichitpongpan, the big boss of Prueksa real estate, whose wealth was estimated at 29.2 billion baht.