Why only Fox?



I enjoy the stellar performances of O’Reilly, Hannity, Huck a bee, and Sarah Palin on Fox cable news, but I wonder why Fox with its faith basis social values, and conservative commentaries was chosen by Pattaya’s T.V. providers as the only political news channel of choice. Perhaps its because Fox does present some entertainment and advertises itself as fair and balanced. I for one fail to see that it is all that fair and balanced with all Republicans it has on board, but it does at times have as guests some liberals who are able to present an opposite view point to what Fox and friends have to say. And that is the way it should be. There should always be an opposite viewpoint to any political message. Politicians standing alone are able to convince people that they are the only show in town. Proselytizing takes place and people respond accordingly. They are sold a bill of goods. This should never happen. It is certainly against Democratic principles. In those troubled times people must hear from both sides and must be given the right to make up their own minds about what is politically right for them and what is wrong.

Ray Standiford