Dhammasiri students watch Venus solar transit


More than 2,000 Sattahip students were given a chance to see a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon as they lined up to watch Venus transit the sun in the school’s telescope.

Dhammasiri School Principal Aree Khumnungkij and teachers Pitchyakorn Som-ngam and Samitra Weerayothin organized the June 6 event, which was the last passing of Venus between the earth and sun for the next 105 years.

Students in Sattahip gather to watch Venus transit the sun. Students in Sattahip gather to watch Venus transit the sun.

Students gathered early to view the 5-11 a.m. transit using a telescope the school had purchased in 2009 to use with cameras for astronomy lessons.

Science teacher Umawadee Chobsoongnern said the school took special care, as the sun cannot be viewed with the naked eye. Students’ eyes were protected with ultraviolet filters.