‘Very Strong’ dance troupe win All Thailand popular vote



‘Very Strong’ line up at the All Thailand dance finales in Bangkok.

A troupe of 7 to 9 year old children from the K.C. Dance Studio based in Pattaya were voted the most popular winners in the All Thailand dance finales held in Bangkok at the end of last month.

The troupe named Very Strong qualified for the finales in Chonburii almost two months ago and travelled to Bangkok to represent Pattaya in the All Thailand grand finale, where they performed brilliantly and caught the eyes and hearts of the large crowd watching to be voted the most popular winners.

The dance troupe received 10,000 baht for their efforts plus free milk for one year from the sponsors Dutch Mills.

If you would like to watch their performance on the internet just click onto You Tube at the following address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlcw11H1U38