HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Money matters

Snap Shots

Modern Medicine

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Let’s go to the movies

Staying happy in Paradise - the Counseling Corner

Money matters:   Graham Macdonald MBMG International Ltd. Nominated for the Lorenzo Natali Prize

Out with the Old and In with the New

MBMG Group were fortunate that, despite the recent troubles in Thailand, its affiliated portfolio manager, and managing director of award-winning MitonOptimal Guernsey, Scott Campbell, continued with his trip to Bangkok and presented his views to more than 150 attendees at a series of briefings across the city and in Pattaya.

Thailand’s volatile political environment combined with the incredible pressure that was building in the debt-ravaged Greek economy, prior to the riots and multi-billion dollar international bailout package, created an anxious backdrop that highlighted the palpable fears of local investors and raised the questions:

* Is the Western world going to be dragged down into renewed recession by the contagion of the sovereign debt crisis that looks set to consume Europe?

* What does that mean living here? Will the momentum of the Asian recovery be sufficient to outstrip the potential second fall of the West and how will domestic political risk affect the Thai economy?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the three-time S&P-award-winning Campbell says that even though foreign investors remain bullish on the growth of emerging markets, Thailand might fail to capitalize on its strengths to become one of the best investment markets in Asia if politics continues to weigh on the economy.

The currency markets provide an indication that country risk has already affected Thailand’s performance and recovery over the past year or so. Despite complaints from local business chiefs and exporters, any suggestion that the central bank has been intervening in the money market to bolster the baht seems very unlikely given the very visible build-up of dollar reserves that have been generated by ‘selling’ baht. In reality, Thailand’s seemingly “strong” baht has actually underperformed the region’s other currencies by about ten percent.

“That is almost entirely down to the local political situation. Currency is a barometer of political risk and the Thai Baht has been pretty much flat since last year [on a trade-weighted basis]. If the political risk gets sorted out, then you may see the Thai Baht appreciate just to catch up with the other regional currencies which it has lagged during this time,’’ according to Campbell, adding that the fundamentals for the whole Asian region are still very positive.

Campbell added, ‘’Asia, along with other emerging markets, will continue to be the best place for investment for the next 30 to 40 years. Over the past 10 years, western stock markets have done nothing while Asian stock markets have grown three-to-fourfold.’’

Thailand is certainly part of that developmental shift, but political uncertainty has dampened economic growth since problems arose in 2004, a point reinforced by observers such as Templeton’s Mark Mobius and John Sheehan of Global Markets Asia. The turbulence has not only slowed Thailand, it has enabled some other countries in the region to overtake South-east Asia’s second-largest economy in terms of growth. This can be seen by comparing the kingdom’s economic growth, foreign-exchange rates and stock market valuations with those of comparable economies in the region.

‘’If you take the superior GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth rate of a jurisdiction like the Philippines and apply this higher rate to Thailand’s growth from 2005, it can be seen that by the end of 2008 Thailand’s GDP would be somewhere between US$30 billion and $40 billion higher than now,’’ says Sheehan.

Problems in Europe loom large on the economic radar, however. Even though Greece received the largest ever financial bailout package offered to a single country, it failed to yield the desired bounce in the markets. Despite the huge problems that Greece faces, its public debt, which is equivalent to about 125% of GDP, is a small proportion of the EU’s overall deficit and the fears that the contagion will spread to Portugal, Spain, Ireland and even the UK, are very real.

“Some people are predicting that in the long-term we won’t remember the problems of the last few years as a financial crisis, because that will be subsumed by the emerging sovereign debt crisis in Europe,” says Campbell.

He believes there is at least a 30% chance of the established Western economies being dragged back into recession by the problems in Europe and possibilities of a hollow recovery. Whether this will happen or not should become clear in the figures of major economies, such as the US, when they are published in the early second half of the year, with job creation and growth key indicators to follow.

Regardless of the situation in Europe, the clear fact is that Asian economies and other emerging markets will dominate the global markets for many years to come, a time when the former world powerhouses will continue their decline. Campbell says this is down to simple fundamentals and economic cycles. The Kondratieff Seasons (see graphic), a long-term economic model that essentially explains boom and bust, give a clear outlook on investment opportunities and asset and equity allocations. This combined with a look at population growth, development and demographics paints a positive picture for Asia.

‘’The region is exporting within itself. This has shown that Asia is much less dependent on the west than it was which is very positive. Asian demographics also are positive with the population distribution being similar to that of the United States Baby Boom era. An economy that has a bigger chunk of people at the bottom [age group] is in a much better shape than the economy that has bigger chunk of people at the top. India, for example, will progress through the baby boom stage and isn’t projected to reach the top heavy state that is starting to impact on the growth of the US today until 2050. In long term trends this is a theme very supportive of emerging markets growth for another 40 years or so.’’

“Of course, there will be business cycles, stock market crashes and credit crunches, but for the next 40 years or so, until the major Asian economies get top-heavy, the region will be the driver of global growth,” he adds.

This changing global dynamic is seeing other economic phenomena migrate from the West to the East. “In the past, a high-risk portfolio was emerging market bonds, Japanese equities and developing market property. At the same time a low-risk one contained US government bonds, German blue-chip companies and UK property but now, the situation is completely reversed.’’

Asian commercial property is particularly attractive in many cases with low gearing ratios and good yield carry. And while Asian growth may lead to higher interest rates, the strong carry differential will be partially protected by economic growth leading to higher rents and occupancy rates.

Campbell remains bullish on gold as one of the allocated asset classes and based on a number of technical and fundamental factors expects gold prices to ultimately rise to between USD2,000 and USD2,500 an ounce. Gold has been one of the asset classes that have helped Campbell to achieve exceptional outperformance over the last ten years; a period in which the Dow Jones Industrial average has fallen by around 30% and the gold price has increased almost fivefold from its lowest point to current levels of around USD1,200 an ounce.

From a personal investment point of view, expatriates living in Thailand need to have a balanced global portfolio, diversified across cash, gold, hedge funds and property. But they should also try to keep their regular costs and expenses covered off in Thai baht to reduce currency risk.

If you live in an emerging market and you have liabilities, costs and debts, you need to match those off in the local currency. If your expenses are in Thai Baht, they should be covered off in Thai Baht. The reason why people traditionally did it the other way round is because it made sense when the emerging markets were in a disinflationary cycle while the west was bullish - but now it is the other way round.

People who have investments and savings in western currencies would do well to hedge those risks by looking at strong Asian currencies such as the Singapore Dollar. Campbell actually manages one of the only global funds to hedge in Thai Baht and Singapore Dollars.

Despite the current global and local uncertainties, Asia and Thailand remain strong investment markets, says Campbell, “If you’re living in this part of the world it is a very positive thing. It is where all the growth and the change is going to be.”

What is the best way to avoid any pitfalls? Follow the Scott Campbell credo of multi-manager, multi-asset alpha allocation in the currency that best suits your individual needs.

The above data and research was compiled from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the above article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For more information please contact Graham Macdonald on [email protected]

Snap Shots: by Harry Flashman

The Twelve Commandments

I realize that the historic Ten Commandments have been popularized in some religions, but that does not stop me from proposing my 12 Commandments, as these are not rules for living, but merely rules to get better pictures.

While there are plenty of photography books for sale in the bookstores, most of those are of the genre, How To Photograph Mountain Lions or similar. (The answer is with a very long lens, don’t bother buying the book.)

So here are my 12 commandments, which if you follow them through, I will guarantee you will get better photographs. And get more fun out of your photography.

The first is simply to take photographs every day. Photography, like any sport, recreation or pursuit is something where the more you do it and practice it, the better you get. With memory cards and the like, it is no more expensive to shoot four as it does to shoot one!

The one major fault in most amateur photographs is taking the shot from too far away. From now on, make the subject the “hero” and walk in several meters closer to make the subject fill the frame.

Focusing! With modern auto-focus cameras the most obvious focusing problem is where the subject is off-center. The magic eye doesn’t know this and focuses on the central background, leaving your close-up subject soft and blurry. Focus on the subject and use the focus lock facility of your camera.

Tripods I mentioned frequently, but one of these will expand your picture taking no end. Camera shake becomes a thing of the past, and you will take more time to compose your shots.

Always carry a spare memory card. There is nothing worse than trying to delete on the run following the shot of a lifetime.

Keep your interest and pride in your work by making enlargements of your better photos. At around 80 baht for most places, this is very cheap and enlargements do make good presents at Xmas time too.

We all get lazy and it is too easy to end up just taking every picture in the horizontal (landscape) format. Make it a habit to always take at least two shots of each subject - one in the horizontal format and the other in the vertical. You can get some surprising results that way. Don’t be lazy - do it!

With color photography, which covers about 99.99 percent of most people’s pictures these days, the one major factor to give your skies and seas and scenery some color oomph is the use of a polarizing filter. Get one and use it every time the sun shines.

You will always miss some “classic” shots and regret it later, but you certainly will never get them if you don’t have a camera with you. With so many incredible photo opportunities in Thailand, you should be ready at all times!

To give your daytime shots some extra sparkle, use “fill-in” flash. Most new cameras have a little setting that will do this automatically for you - even with point and shooters. If you haven’t, then spend some time learning how to do it. It’s worth it when you see the results you get.

To give yourself the impetus to go out and take photos, develop a project and spend your leisure time building up the images. It can be flowers or fashion, cars or canaries, but fix on something and follow it through. It’s worth it, just for the fact that it makes you become an “enquiring” photographer.

Finally, at the end of every year, give the camera a birthday by buying it some new batteries. You won’t have a problem damaging the sensitive innards with neglected battery acid and the camera’s light metering system will work correctly every time. It’s cheap insurance.

Here is the list.
1. Take more shots
2. Walk several meters closer
3. Use the focus lock
4. Buy a tripod
5. Carry a spare memory card
6. Make enlargements of your better prints
7. Use different formats
8. Use a polarizing filter
9. Carry your camera with you
10. Use the flash during the day
11. Develop a project
12. Change the batteries

Modern Medicine: by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant

Viagorous exercise?

The headline this week should be enough to get the interest of some of the older chaps out there. Correct? Unfortunately I can take no credit for the catchy wording, this was something I stole from our Miss Hillary, and how she knows about this, I dare not ask.

Now ‘exercise’ is something that is talked about, but most people equate this with gymnasiums. Some of my friends attend these sweat palaces on a regular basis, and if nothing else, they are getting some regular exercise at the same time. I too have tried them, but I am afraid that pedaling a stationary bicycle to nowhere does not hold my attention for long.

Unfortunately the commonest advice a doctor gives out at the end of the year is to lose weight and get some exercise. Was that part of the advice after your annual physical check-up? Very likely.

However, there seems to be very little real understanding of what exercise should consist of, how often, what type, how long and what about sex? However, getting a little serious, exercise will be good for you, provided that you pick a form of exercise that is not harmful for you!

Now I know that looks as if I have put my money on both horses in the race, but take that sentence at its face value. Enough research has been done to show that regular exercise is beneficial for everybody, in both the physical and psychological aspects, but, and it is a big ‘but’, all forms of exercise have relative bodily risks, and this has to be taken into account before you buy a pair of expensive jogging shoes and tackle a 10 km trot in the middle of the day. True stories - a medical colleague in Australia took up playing squash when he turned 50 and dropped dead on the court of a heart attack, and another acquaintance of mine turned 40, decided he wasn’t fit, bought a bicycle to ride to work each day and was run over by a bus.

I read an article that advised non-slippery shoes for the novice exerciser and suggested you choose appropriate exercise according to your ability. Never exceed your limit. Remember that it is not the harder the better. If you have acute medical problems (such as fever, or pain), stop exercising. If you have chronic medical conditions (such as hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease and arthritis), seek advice from your doctor or physiotherapist beforehand. All of these I agree with. If you are happy to take your body to your medical advisor when it is sick, take it back to your doctor for advice on how to tone it up as well.

The form of exercise should be one that you enjoy, and it may be gymnasium work, or jogging, or walking, or swimming or something else reasonably vigorous. It should be such that you raise a sweat, but not to the point of dehydration! Do not wait until you are thirsty. Take appropriate breaks. Do not over-exert yourself. Forget about “powering through the pain barrier”. Leave that for drug-fuelled cyclists in France.

As well as the form of exercise, there is the frequency. At least three times per week, 20-30 minutes (or more) is necessary each time, to derive the maximum benefit. But always remember, if there is dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain, vomiting, nausea or severe pain during exercise, stop exercising immediately and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Now I did mention horizontal folk dancing and some of you have been impatiently reading, while nervously fiddling with your expensive packet of Viagras, Kanagras, Cialis and other lead-in-your-pencil medications (I draw the line at tiger willy). OK, what about sex? The advisability of this form of exercise when you have some chronic complaint (such as hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, etc.), should be part of the advice you get from your doctor beforehand. The danger of over the counter willy stiffeners is that you don’t get advice with them.

A fitter body means better sex. OK?

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Dear Hillary,

As my computer was down, I used my husband’s lap top which he had left at home between trips. I clicked on his ‘favorites’ and was taken aback by the number of porn sites he has been visiting. Is this something I should worry about? Or has he tired of me (we have been married for 14 years)? He has been lusting after all these women dressed in lingerie and stockings, and I don’t even possess a pair of stockings in retaliation. My girlfriends said to just ignore it, all males like to fantasize and I should do nothing. I don’t know if they mean that, or have they got designs on my husband? This does upset me. What do you think I should do? I am worrying myself sick over it.


Dear Marje,

The first piece of advice I have for you is to stop snooping in your husband’s lap top. You may be married, but everyone, including spouses, is entitled to some privacy. The second piece of advice I am giving you is to stop discussing your private lives with your girlfriends. After all, how do you know that some of them haven’t got the lingerie and stockings already.

The reason there is so much porn available, and thousands of sites, is because your husband, and people like him, need some kind of outlet, or respite from the stresses of today’s living. For most men, it is just a fantasy, as your girlfriends said, but having said all that, if he is spending much of his salary on these sites, which can happen, let me tell you, Petal, then this viewing of porn has become an addiction, which may require some sexual counseling. Check the credit card entries, this may give you some idea of the perceived problem or otherwise, but be aware any entries from these sites will not state “Porno Pix Pty”.

Dear Hillary,

I am a middle aged woman from the UK and I have a Thai boyfriend who is a few years younger than me. OK, quite a few years younger than me, but we enjoy each other’s company and seem well suited to each other in personality. I’m not the one for wild drinking parties or drugs, and neither is he. He satisfies me in other ways too, I am sure you know what I mean. I enjoy him. However, when we go anywhere, like to a restaurant, I have to put up with people whispering behind my back, as if I have committed a crime or something, when these self same people are there with their very much younger Thai girlfriends. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander they say. Why do people carry on like this, Hillary? Do you know?


Dear Jenny,

Anyone who dares to do something out of the ordinary gets disparaging comments from others. The same chaps who take their Thai girlfriends to the UK get the same treatment as you are getting now. “Trophy wives” is the label they get, so yours is a “trophy husband”. In most cases it is simply just jealousy, so ignore them and continue to enjoy your life and your boyfriend, my Petal. When you’re finished with him, you can always send him on over to me!

Dear Hillary,

I was in Bangkok last week, staying at one of the better hotels (I won’t say which one), and went to the hotel’s own disco. Long story short, I ended up having a few drinks with a young lady and invited her to stay the night with me, but as we came up from the disco we were set upon by the night staff who demanded I pay 1,000 baht for her to stay with me and also she had to leave her ID card with them. I have always believed that when you order a double-bed room, the second person was covered in the price. Is this not the current way in Thailand? I also believe it is not a good idea to leave your personal details with anyone, such as the Thai ID card, such as was demanded of my girlfriend. Is this normal, or was I just being ripped off? I did pay and she did leave her ID.


Dear James,

You were being charged a “joiner” fee, which is pretty standard in most up-market hotels. When you take someone in for the night, more hotel facilities are used (towels, soaps, etc.), so I suppose they can justify the fee. I have no idea whether that is the standard fee, but in general, the more expensive the room, the higher the fee. As far as the ID card is concerned, my Petal, be thankful that the hotel does this. What would you have done if your disco companion which you say was your “girlfriend”, whom you had known for a whole two hours, decamped in the middle of the night with all your valuables. And all you know is that her name was Lek. At least with the ID recorded the police do have a chance of finding your Lek from the 10,000 other Leks in Bangkok, remembering that Lek is just her nickname, not her name of the ID. This system is a safeguard for you, Petal.

Let’s go to the movies: by Mark Gernpy

Now playing in Pattaya

The A-Team: (Scheduled) US, Action/ Adventure/ Thriller – Follows the exploits of a colorful team of former Special Forces soldiers who were set up for a crime they did not commit. Going “rogue,” they utilize their unique talents to try to clear their names and find the true culprit. Starring Liam Neeson and Jessica Biel. Mixed or average reviews.

The Karate Kid / The Kung Fu Kid: (Scheduled) US/ China, Action/ Drama/ Family/ Sport – Stars a talentless kid who is only in films because his father is so powerful in the business, and is producing it. The kid is a spoiled brat, in my opinion, and if I could get away with it, I wouldn’t even acknowledge the film’s existence. Also stars Jackie Chan, and it was filmed in Beijing emphasizing tourism sites, which apparently the Chinese required as part of the deal. Internationally the film tends to be referred to as “The Kung Fu Kid” despite its origins as a remake, because in fact what the kid does now is Kung Fu. Generally favorable reviews, which I can’t believe.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: US, Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy/ Romance – Some of the rather unique moves that you make in the video game this film is based on, such as running along walls at an angle to the ground, are duplicated here, much to my delight, as I enjoy the game. And there’s some sense of the game’s action and visuals. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal, a quite luscious and appealing Gemma Arterton, an enjoyable villain in Ben Kingsley, and a lot of fun in the comedy of Alfred Molina. It’s a sort of old-style Arabian Nights story, pretty silly really, set in medieval Persia when a nefarious nobleman (Kingsley) covets the Sands of Time, a legendary dagger that allows its possessor to turn back time. All the silliness is okay, and beautifully done, and with delightful performances, but ruined for me by the editing of the action sequences, of which there are a lot. They’re all rapid-fire sequences devoid of any narrative structure, giving only impressions of battle, with no idea of who is doing what to whom. I don’t like this way of depicting action sequences – for me, it’s made a number of halfway decent movies unwatchable. Mixed or average reviews. Thai dubbed at Big C.

The Losers: US, Action/ Crime/ Mystery/ Thriller – Delicious and delightful action film, full of fun. However, it’s an action film, so if you’re not fond of fights and fury, you won’t be amused. Of its type, it has a much better script than you have any right to expect, full of laughs, and with a great attitude. It’s a tale of betrayal and revenge, in which the members of an elite Special Forces unit are sent to the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission, and are then double-crossed. Left for dead, the black ops team root out those who targeted them for assassination. With an appealing Zoe Saldana (of Avatar fame), and directed by relative newcomer Sylvain White, definitely a director to watch. I particularly appreciate the clear and understandable action sequences, where you can actually follow what’s happening – and only semi-rapid editing. Very violent, so be warned. Only mixed or average reviews, but I like it. Not at Big C.

Robin Hood: US, Action/ Drama – Robin Hood as gladiator, brought to life by director Ridley Scott, and starring Russell Crowe, all grunting and scowling. It does have impressive visuals and some great sweeping battle scenes, and strong performances, but it took me a long while to get interested in the main characters during the back-story, and the 1199 AD events of King Richard on his last crusade. However, once the story got going, I did get involved. It’s loud, noisy, and confusing in the modern way of showing battles, where clarity is sacrificed for jittery, jumpy editing, and you are left with visual impressions, not information. I appreciated much of the craft, but I didn’t have much fun. Mixed or average reviews. Not at Big C.

Shrek Forever After 3D: US, Animation/ Comedy/ Family – The further adventures of the giant green ogre. Still a fun movie for the family – at least I was solidly amused. The story: Now domesticated and bored, Shrek makes a pact with deal-maker Rumpelstiltskin to get the real ogre feeling once again, but is duped and sent to a twisted version of Far, Far Away. With the voices of Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, and Eddie Murphy. At Pattaya Beach only. Mixed or average reviews.

Iron Man 2: US, Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller – Starring Robert Downey Jr. Not quite the breath of fresh air that “Iron Man” was, but this sequel comes close, with solid performances and an action-packed plot. I particularly liked Mickey Rourke. Mixed or average reviews. At Pattaya Beach only.

The Bounty Hunter: US, Action/ Comedy – Gerard Butler plays a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter who gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife (Jennifer Aniston). Critics say the two leads are as attractive as ever, but the script doesn’t know what to do with them. Generally unfavorable reviews. At Pattaya Beach only.

Poh Tak / Po Taek: Thai, Comedy – Directed by popular comedian-turned-director, Mum Jokmok, this is a comedy parody that explores lives in front of and behind the cameras of the Thai film industry. Features many of the regulars on Mum’s very popular TV show.

Sex and the City 2: US, Comedy/ Drama/ Romance – Perhaps you will be pleased with this; most critics aren’t, and have given it scathingly unfavorable reviews. The TV series was hugely successful in some circles, so maybe you are among its fans. The girls this time take on the United Arab Emirates, though it’s actually shot in Morocco. Rated R in the US for some strong sexual content and language; 15+ in Thailand.

Sam Yan: Thai, Comedy – Usual regurgitation of tried and true Thai slapstick comedy. A dead passenger on a bus returns to haunt the driver, and two other tales. Rated 18+ in Thailand. In Thai only.

Furry Vengeance: US, Comedy/ Family – Live-action animals with animated mouths. Generally unfavorable reviews. At Big C only, and Thai-dubbed.

Staying happy in Paradise - the Counseling Corner

A Connection for Life: Body and Psyche

Richard L. Fellner

All of us have heard of it - the ‘mysterious’ effects of the psyche on the human body. Indeed, latest studies show that we can imagine our constitution like the fuel pump in a car: its performance defines whether our ‘vehicle’ can drive with full force, if it starts to stutter - or in extreme cases even breaks down. Whether our soul suffers or groans will always affect its ‘life partner’: our body.

Heart and circulatory diseases, such of the digestive system, problems with spine and joints, but also fluctuations in hormone levels or neurotransmitter imbalances: psychological burden is often a contributing cause. Also, mental states seem to influence the incidence of atopic dermatitis, diabetes and sexual problems as well as on the progression of cancer, as recent metastudies illustrate.

But let’s look the other way now and ask ourselves: what can we do to make it easier for our body? Most of all, it is important to cut down on all forms of stress (even if purely psychological), addictions and bad eating habits, all of which are often associated with depression as well. Meditation and yoga are great to improve physical and mental balance. Counseling and psychotherapy can help to get rid of the ‘millstones of the soul’ - often surprisingly quickly - and thus relieve our bodies from the creeping loss of vitality and energy.

Richard L. Fellner is head of the Counseling Center Pattaya in Soi Kopai and offers consultations in English and German languages after making appointments at 0854 370 470.