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Healthy ginseng drink introduced in Pattaya

Healthy ginseng drink introduced in Pattaya

Jung Jay Seol sells Won Di Sam Plus-branded
ginseng drinks imported from South Korea.

Boonlua Chatree
A South Korean businessman has opened the first and largest Korean ginseng beverage company in Thailand.
C-ling Tile Industrial, based in Pattaya, sells the Won Di Sam Plus-branded ginseng drinks imported from South Korea. It’s run by Jung Jay Seol, 46, the managing director of the company. The products have been registered and approved by the Thai Food and Drug Administration.
Jung said his company is legally recognized by the Thai civil and commercial law. He and the two others, Na Yong Yin, a Korean, and Akekapong Inpanya, a Thai, lead the company formed with 6 million baht capital and registered on Sept. 5, 2007.
Jung said Pattaya is the first area in the Thai market where his products, authentic Korean drinks in 120 mL bottles, are available for purchase. He said ginseng drinks are really good for health. Each bottle contains a whole 3-year-old ginseng plant and that the products have sold worldwide.
Ginseng drinks, usually made from Talinum Patens and Aralia Puinpuefolia, are believed to help reduce blood sugar and therefore are good for the people with diabetes. Women and men also drink ginseng to improve skin tone. And the most popular ginseng drinks are the ones from Korea and the United States.
The substance found in ginseng roots is called Saponin. It is divided into Ginsenoside, Panaxoside and Chikusetssaponin. Ginsenoide, the most significant substance in ginseng drinks, contains about 2 percent ginseng roots. Lower-quality ginseng drinks do not have the substance.
People with the following conditions should consider C-ling Tile drinks: fatigue, a lack of enthusiasm, poor fitness, memory problems and stress, he said.
Lab tests have proven that ginseng is safe. The extracted ginseng had no negative effects on animals. The lab rats ate 1.5-15 g of extracted ginseng per day for 13 days and they were not poisoned.
However, people are advised not to consume ginseng with food and drink with high uric acid, such as orange juice and vitamin C, or to eat within 3 hours after drinking ginseng, as it could prevent the healing powers of ginseng.