Producers of Treasure Hunter a Taiwanese game show recorded a segment at Ripley’s Infinity Maze recently. The show, which airs regularly on Sanlih Television Station in Taiwan, promotes Pattaya, as well as other tourist destinations around the Eastern Seaboard to the Taiwanese market. Vichai Lertlitrichai (4th right) Public Relations Manager welcomed
the production team.

Dr Somchai Pattana-Anek (3rd left) director of Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, donated 200 reflective vests to Banglamung police station for the use of volunteer patrols working with police officers. Also donated to the police station was a quantity of computer equipment.

The hospital additionally donated 50 reflective vests to volunteers supporting the tourist police. Dr Somchai said that the donations were part of Bangkok Pattaya Hospital’s policy of giving back to the community.

Stefan Heintze, (2nd left) resident manager of Dusit Resort Pattaya and Pramot Sothana, (2nd right) guest service manager welcomed top agents from Switzerland on their educational trip to the resort recently. The visit was organized with the cooperation between Thai Airways International, Royal Orchid Holiday and Welcome Travel based in Switzerland.

Waste Management Siam Ltd. (WMS) the operator of Eastern Seaboard Environmental Complex (ESBEC) recently donated 50 desks and chairs to the Baan Khao Hin School. The company was represented by Phermpoon Putianant (2nd left) WMS’s transport manager and Sutthida Fakkum, communications manager (right).

Mrs. Sanga Suebtrakul thanked Ms. Orapin Supakawat and the management of the Pacific Park Sriracha and through them all the business operators in the shopping centre for their kind donation of foodstuffs and amenities to the Supanimit Foundation for further distribution to underprivileged children in Chonburi.