HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Where is the sense in anti-Chang protests?

Keep it in the family

More information on financial scam

Baht Bus 101

Songkran Blues

Where is the sense in anti-Chang protests?

Dear Sir:
Thailand is reportedly the world’s fifth largest alcohol consumer; with or without a listing of Chang Beer on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). I simply fail to see how a manufacturing company wanting to go public and alcohol abuse in the country would be related.

So, what is all that commotion generated by a group of knee-jerking do-gooder protesters about? As usual, someone is trying to roll up a problem from the wrong end.

I am recalling that nobody complained when Carlsberg and Heineken set up shop in the kingdom. How can a stock exchange listing based on business considerations possibly affect the moral values of a populace who love nothing more than going out and getting blasted? Sanook.
Thomas Schmid

Keep it in the family

I read with great interest in the Pattaya Mail that town planning between Pattaya City and surrounding districts had reverted back to where it should be, and that that city administration could now proceed with town planning under its own authority without having to go through provincial approval process
I thought something was afoot when there was a rumor that the new View Talay #5 on Dongtan Beach had encroached 20 meters further towards the beach than planning permission allowed. Work was stopped for only 3 days and then resumed, so obviously if officials had had to come from Bangkok to check that the officials who thought they had found something wrong were in fact using unreliable measuring equipment, it would have taken much longer than just 3 days.
Keep it all in the family guys, the PM has demonstrated that time and time again
It works!

More information on financial scam

Dear Editor;

Thank you for the previous publication regarding the probable “Financial Scam”. The response from readers has been overwhelming, discounting the comments from the “know it all’s”.

Affected readers have been forthcoming with much information and meetings are now taking place to discuss the appropriate course of action. It has been suggested that a members group be formed under the banner “Members Joint Enterprise,” which appears to be most appropriate.

All persons who have “Lost monies” through this apparent scam are again urged to contact blueorchid@ csloxinfo.com

The amount of monies involved beggar belief and it is felt that international authorities will take action based on information given to them.

Currently it is the members’ intention to see justice done without re-imbursement!

The whereabouts of the perpetrators is known but any person who has details to their present absolute address should e-mail the club organiser in the first instance with this information.

On the up-side, the more this alleged scam is aired, the less chance of a repeat performance from other scamsters. All information will be held as computerised records and anonymity is assured.

By acting as a group, further expenses e.g. legal fees will be minimised - thankfully.

Once again many thanks to your publication reaching the affected readers.


Baht Bus 101

For several years now I have been faithfully reading the Pattaya Mail weekly. I have lost count how many times the 5 baht / 10 baht songtaew argument has come up. Invariably it always winds up with some weak chump bragging about how smart he is to overpay the fare thus avoiding any trouble. How truly pathetic that is.

Though unsolicited, at this time I will share with your readers how I solved the problem many years ago for myself. First of all we all know what happens when you thrust a twenty baht note in the window expecting change for the 5 baht fare ... it looks pretty silly, a farang trotting along side an accelerating songtaew with his arm still inside the cab, screaming at the top of his lungs “Kamoi! Kamoi!” as the driver laughs hysterically.

Therefore, if correct change is not available, simply show the driver the twenty baht note and demand your change first ... with a smile of course. If the driver threatens to call the police, tell him to feel free to. The police will side with you the tourist who is after all paying the correct fare. At least that’s been my experience all three times it’s happened.

When correct change is available, simply ring the bell about 10 meters beyond where you intend to go and toss the driver the 5 baht. They will cuss and moan and groan, but I’ve yet to see one back his vehicle in reverse against traffic in an effort to squeeze 5 more baht out of me.
Rayong Max

Songkran Blues


Just a note to express my feelings during this time, but I hope it will not be printed if it continues to rain or people will think I am nuts.

Everyday I go home to peer into my water tank and see that it is almost empty; the water pressure is too low to get any water due to the lack of it. So I have to call the water delivery service and wait till the next day to get my tank filled. Every year I think it is time to get a bigger tank. This is no big deal for me as I have lived here long enough to know that this is the way it is here. I am quite used to bathing with my last bottle of drinking water.

However, the thing that bugs me is if this drought continues what will happen at Songkran? Are people going to take the little we have left in the reservoirs and dump it all over the road saying Happy Thai New Year!?

While there are others who have no water to drink, losing money in crops, or paying 100 baht every two days for water like me, I know that I may be a wet blanket on many people’s fun at Songkran, but I just hope that this new government is planning on setting up restrictions and will have some control over the water wars that go on for a week at a time; some times longer.

What happened to the beautiful and very elegant Songkran tradition of pouring a little water over the wrists and wishing people well? Isn’t it time to make some changes back to the old tradition to help conserve water and therefore aid people in need? I think this would be a far nicer way of wishing each other well.

Concerned wet blanket

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