Protesting workers block entrance and exit of an electronic factory


Protesting workers pitched tents and blocked the entrance and exit to a Japanese-owned electronic factory in Prachin Buri’s 304 industrial estate on Wednesday.

The workers of Yano Electronics Company have been rallying in front of the company’s factory and inside the compound since Tuesday to demand more bonus, increased cost of living allowance and other fringe benefits.

The demands include three-month bonus; 3,000 baht travelling expense for the workers to return home during festive season; 500 baht cost of living allowance from 292 baht; and “diligent” fee amounting to 700,800 and 900 baht.

The protesting workers, numbering about 400 on Wednesday, sealed the entrance and exit of the factory to prevent their Japanese executives from leaving.

Mr Sompong Kloyklaew, a labour protection official based in Prachin Buri, said seven representatives of the protesters met the Japanese management for talks on Wednesday, but there was no solution yet.

Talks between the two sides are expected to resume today.