Pattaya Ancient Remains Restoration Campaign


A dinner was held in the Sidella Grand Ballroom of the Zign hotel on the evening of  Wednesday the 21st of December, the purpose of which was to raise funds that can be used to help restore and protect  ancient remains that were damaged in the recent floods in Ayuthaya and other areas.

In attendance were Culture Minister, and president Mrs. Sukumol Kunplume, Former Minister of Tourism and Sports, Mr. Sonthaya Kunplume,  Banglamung district chief Mr. Chaowalit Saeng-uthai,  Deputy mayor of Pattaya City, Ronakit Ekasingh, President of Pattaya Business and Tourism Associaton, Mr. Wiwat Phattanasin,  and President of Pattaya City Entrepreneurs Union, Mr. Sa-nga Kijsamret, along with local businessmen and media.

The dinner was priced at 15,000 baht for a table of 10 and the proceeds totaling 850,000 baht, and was presented to Minister of Cuture, Mrs. Sukumol Kunplume, to go towards the restoration of the ancient remains throughout Ayuthaya.