Bangkok unveils QR code system of tracking the supply chain of meats


BANGKOK– Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra visited Bangkok’s Sam Yan Market to test a new smartphone scanning system to track the whereabouts of meat products.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) unveiled its new project to provide consumers with a database of the origins of meat in order to create credibility and transparency during the Chinese New Year.

The database will reveal to consumers the entire process of preparation, processing and packaging to affirm that the produce is safe and hygienic.

Bangkok’s Sam Yan, On Nut, Ying Charoen, Thung Khru and Bang Khun Markets are participating in the “Scan Me” project where smart phone users can download a QR code reader from the App Store or Google Play Store and scan the QR codes attached to the meat packaging. In addition to providing information on the produce’s whereabouts, the application also allows users to make comments and suggestions while all information will be forwarded to the Veterinary Office of Public Health to further improve quality control.