American investors interested in investing in high-speed train and airport projects in EEC


BANGKOK – The Minister of Commerce stated that American investors are interested in investing in high speed train and airport projects in the East Economic Corridor (EEC) while the ASEAN-US Business Council President confirmed that Thailand has potential as an ASEAN trade hub.

Commerce Minister Aphiradi Tantraphorn revealed after discussions with the United States – ASEAN Business Council (USABC) President that the private sector remains confident in Thailand’s potential as the center of commerce in ASEAN and stands ready to support trade relations and investments, especially investments in the EEC. US investors have also shown their interest in the airport and high speed train development projects, which is part of Thailand’s infrastructure investment expansion plan.

USABC President Alexander C. Felman said that many American businessmen are already investing in Thailand and adds that Thailand’s role is that of an export base before products enter the ASEAN market.

He went on to say that the United States would like to assist in the development of Thai SMEs to support the expansion of US trade, as Thailand plays an important role in the ASEAN region.