Wilkinson walks tall at Emerald


Travellers Rest Golf Group

So I tell you last week that the playing numbers were dropping and what happens – a load of Australians get time off for good behaviour and make a bolt for Thailand.  I suppose it was only natural that they should all congregate in the Ned Kelly Bar, to honour their hero, and then bolster the numbers heading over to Phoenix to play some golf.  I expect it is only temporary before the authorities catch up with them and place them under lock and key once again.  Personally I like Australians for the main reason that they whinge a lot but can take a joke.

Monday, March 23, Phoenix – Stableford

And so it was that on Monday a larger than normal charabang full of golfers arrived at Phoenix to play the Mountain and Lake courses.  Rather surprisingly it was an Englishmen Billy Ostle who came out on top of Division 1 on the day, which should have resulted in us hanging out the bunting to celebrate, because it is not often the English get the better of the Aussies in a sporting event.  Needless to say, it was an Aussie, John Goudge who finished second with an Irishman, Niall Cronin, taking third place.

John Goudge & Paul Stanton.John Goudge & Paul Stanton.

In Division 2 just to share the prizes around the various nationalities it was an Asian with a very English name who topped the bill.  Lawrence Lee, who has been showing some good form of late, won his division at a canter, with the old Irish warhorse Seamus Farrell trotting into second place and the gentlemanly Nino Dinardo finishing third.

Div.1 (0-14)

1st Billy Ostle (13) 37pts

2nd John Goudge (7) 35pts

3rd Niall Cronin (11) 34pts

Div.2 (15+)

1st Lawrence Lee (21) 37pts

2nd Seamus Farrell (28) 33pts

3rd Nino Dinardo (16) 32pts

Tuesday, March 24, The Emerald – Stableford

On Tuesday it was over to Emerald for the TRGG.  Luckily the authorities had swooped very quickly to apprehend the runaway Aussies and they are now helping the police with their enquiries, the result of which meant a greatly reduced field arriving to play.

Would you believe it one of our resident Aussies staged a one man protest at the treatment handed out to his countrymen and amassed a mammoth 44 points to take first place.  The day before I played with Roger Wilkinson and he was playing some army golf, left/right, left/right and carting golf balls out of bounds for all he was worth.  The next day he plays like a man possessed and rattles up an unbelievable score.  In second place came John Baxter who also scored very well and finished with 39 points whilst Jim Cooper shot his handicap and took third spot.

1st Roger Wilkinson (14) 44pts

2nd John Baxter (15) 39pts

3rd Jim Cooper (16) 36pts

Thursday, March 26, St. Andrews – Stableford

the TRGG made their way over to St Andrews (SB 1) on Thursday and yet again the Aussies had it pretty much their own way.  There had obviously been some kind of administrative blunder at the Thai police station and would you believe it the authorities let the aforementioned Aussie miscreants go free again to continue their holiday on the golf courses of Thailand.  Their leader John Goudge continued where he had left off on Monday but this time had the cheek to walk off with first prize.  He was followed home by Tuesday’s champ, Roger Wilkinson, despite having three shots docked off his handicap.  Paul Hansbery, who may or may not be another Aussie, came in third.

1st John Goudge (7) 37pts

2nd Roger Wilkinson (11) 36pts

3rd Paul Hansbery (13) 36pts

Saturday, March 28, Greenwood – Stableford

The week’s circus moved on to Greenwood (A and B courses) on Saturday.  At last, Canadian Paul Stanton stood up to the Aussie marauders and fought it out toe to toe with Trevor Oliver, yes you guessed it another Aussie, and what do you know, he won on count back.  Tewin Poopay Lamthong also stepped forward to uphold the honour of Thailand and women everywhere to take third place.

1st Paul Stanton (13) 37pts

2nd Trevor Oliver (10) 37pts

3rd Tewin Poopay Lamthong (12) 36pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Fergus Brennan on 086 056 7019 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.