Warren Gallop and Tim Knight take the Medals


The IPGC Monthly Medals

Wednesday, Feb. 1, Crystal Bay – Medal

CSS 72

Division 1 (0–12)

1st Warren Gallop (11) 68

2nd Ted Lodge (11) 68

3rd Alan Pilkington (9) 70

4th Rainer Helling (8) 71

Division 2 (13+)

1st Tim Knight (23) 42ps

2nd Larry Slattery (17) 40pts

3rd Bryan Priestley (19) 39pts

4th Gordon Everingham (25) 39pts


1st Theresa Connolly (25) 36pts

2nd Toni Nichols (23) 26pts

‘2’s:  Alan Pilkington, Noel Reynolds, Brian Kelly, William Chang.

A pleasant day started out under cloudy skies with the threat of rain that fortunately never materialized until everyone was on their way home.  All who played today enjoyed a very good day’s golf over a fairly amenable course which covered the C and A nines.

IPGC Medal winners: Warren Gallop, Theresa Connolly and Tim Knight. IPGC Medal winners: Warren Gallop, Theresa Connolly and Tim Knight.

As usual there were two divisions for the gentlemen cut at 12 and below for the first division and 13 and above for the second and one for the ladies.

The scoring as expected on an open course was good in the first division although just five players managed to better par with the medal eventually going to Warren Gallop, after he won a count back over Ted Lodge with a better score of 32.5 to 35 over the C course.

Alan Pilkington took third two shots worse than them with Rainer Helling snaring fourth after a count back which he won with a better 32 to consign Rick Schramm to 5th as he could only garner 35 over the inward nine.

All the count backs for the day were taken as usual from the last nine played on the card, rather than the order in which they might have been played.  This saw Rainer sneaking into fourth after he had actually had a quadruple 9 on the ninth on A, his last hole, when a par would have earned him the medal for the month following the best outward nine of the day at gross level par.

The second division was a slam bang affair with the top contenders all shooting well below their handicaps, with Tim Knight, the Medal winner, coming home in six under – a feat that when other rounds were taken into account meant a four shot reduction in handicap for the near future.

Larry Slattery was just two behind him after returning his equal best round ever in Thailand to take second spot, with Brian Priestly just getting the edge over Gordon Everingham after winning a count back by a margin of 20 to 18.

The ladies division was won by Theresa Connolly with a level handicap round to leave Toni Nichols in second and Brita Metzger in third both some way behind.

Following the golf almost everyone returned to the Rabbi’s Elephant where after a very good buffet laid on by the Pattaya Golf Society and the Rabbi, Len Jones and Jeff Cohen presented the prizes as Russell Exley emceed proceedings.  Prior to the presentations Len Jones thanked all those that had made the day such a success starting with the IPGC venue golf organizers for promotion and Glyn Evans for registration, Stephen Beard for scoring, and Russell Exley for setting everything in motion and organisation in general.

As usual following the presentations a draw was held for the non prize winners for over 25 items from the IPGC merchandise stock.