Votes of confidence at Pattaya Sports Club AGM


Pratheep Malhotra re-elected to serve 2nd term as president

The Pattaya Sports Club held its Annual General Meeting on the morning of Saturday June 13 at the Town in Town Hotel.  The purpose of the gathering was to receive updates on various sports, charity work and to elect a new Executive Committee for the year 2015-16.

President Pratheep ‘Peter’ Malhotra opened the event and welcomed the Elective Members.  He requested those in attendance to be upstanding and observe a moment of silence to pay respect to PSC members and their loved ones who had passed away in the last 12 months.

The newly elected PSC Executive Committee: (Seated L-R front row) Ngarmjit ‘Noi’ Emmerson (Charity Chairperson), Pratheep ‘Peter’ Malhotra (President), Nantida Thepsai ‘Lucky’ (Office manager), and Jim Bryan (Treasurer). (Standing L-R back row) Geoff Couch (Registrar), Dick Warberg (Social Chairman), Peter Blackburn (Vice President), Andre Van Dyk (Public Relations), Mike Johnston (Founder’s Chair), George Bennison (Secretary) and Maurice Roberts (Golf Chairman).The newly elected PSC Executive Committee: (Seated L-R front row) Ngarmjit ‘Noi’ Emmerson (Charity Chairperson), Pratheep ‘Peter’ Malhotra (President), Nantida Thepsai ‘Lucky’ (Office manager), and Jim Bryan (Treasurer). (Standing L-R back row) Geoff Couch (Registrar), Dick Warberg (Social Chairman), Peter Blackburn (Vice President), Andre Van Dyk (Public Relations), Mike Johnston (Founder’s Chair), George Bennison (Secretary) and Maurice Roberts (Golf Chairman).

Peter stated that he served as President of the PSC back in 1998-2000 and was delighted that the club had matured very well in the past 15 years.  He pointed out that the PSC is a legally registered association listed with the Thai Government, and as a founding member of the club and president of the association he sees it as his duty to ensure that the club continues to conform to the guidelines set out in its rules and regulations.

He thanked the members of the Executive Committee for their hard work in the past 12 months and said that much had been achieved to help promote sports in the area and also how this had transferred into funds designated for the various charity projects that PSC supports.

He gave special thanks to exiting Golf Chairman Mark West for organizing the PSC monthly tournaments and for his tremendous effort in making the annual PSC Charity Classic such a success, with over 1 million baht raised through this event alone.

President Peter also reiterated that it was vital that the charity side of PSC should be transparent and that due diligence must be applied with all projects, big & small.

This should include a full report from the charity chairman of the projects along with quotations, timeline and total expected expenditure so that the executive committee could evaluate each project on its own merits before approving funding.

At present the Executive Committee had a number of projects that they were looking to assist and once all checks had been made, the funding would be granted.  In 2014-15 the PSC has supported various charities with a total of over 2 million baht in funding.

Vice President Joe Mooneyham informed the members that he had reconfirmed a 10% discount for members at Pattaya International Hospital, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Phyathai Sri Racha Hospital, as well as various discounts at local restaurants and many others establishments listed on the club’s informative website.

Other sports that PSC promote were also discussed.  Cricket is going from strength to strength and 10-pin bowling is also doing well but could do with more members.  There are many badminton clubs in Pattaya at present and it was hoped that in the future they could come together for a PSC badminton tournament.

Fishing has seen a slight decline this year mainly due to the inclement weather and in regards to softball, discussions are taking place with City Hall to find a suitable playing field.

President Peter then asked for a vote for the election of the 10 people to serve for the next 3 years as the registered committee of the Pattaya Sports Club Association.  This was supported by the members wholeheartedly.  Then it was time to elect the Executive Committee for 2015-16.

Peter Malhotra was voted unanimously to serve as President for a second year, in which he thanked the members for their confidence in him.

The Vice President’s role was taken by Peter Blackburn, George Benison remains as Secretary and Jim Bryan continues as Treasurer.

Maurice Roberts takes on the role of Golf Chairman while Ngarmjit ‘Noi’ Emmerson was voted to serve another term as Charity & Community Service Chairperson.

Geoff Couch remains as Registrar, Dick Walberg takes on the role as Social Chairman, Andre Van Dyk was elected to serve as Public Relations Chair and Mike Johnson continues his position as Founders Chair.

President Peter Malhotra announced that Nantida Thepsai ‘Lucky’, a long serving PSC staff member, has been promoted to the position of office manager.

Before closing the meeting Peter once again thanked those who were elected to serve in their various offices and looked forward to working closely with them to ensure another successful year for the Pattaya Sports Club.

If you would like to find out more about the activities of PSC and the work they do for charity, please go on-line to and