Sorensen stars at Greenwood


PSC Golf from Café Kronborg

Monday, Sept. 14, Greenwood A & C – Stableford

1st Torben Sorensen (26) 37pts

2nd Jon Swanson (27) 34pts

3rd Mashi Kaneta (15) 32pts

4th Karl Beter (30) 31pts

Greenwood was the game on Monday, up the 331 for about 65 minutes and after a swift check-in the players teed off on C1 about 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled start.

The weather brought cloudy skies and a breeze all day but the course was dry and quite playable, although the grass was overly long and had not been cut due to recent rains.

Torben Sorensen (right) with Dave Richardson.

Back in the clubhouse after a round of 3 hours and 30 minutes a welcome went to Mikito Homma, back from the UK.

Torben Sorensen was the winner on the day with a fine 37 points, three up on Jon Swanson in second, while Mashi Kaneta placed third with 32 points and Karl Beter fourth a further point back.