‘Silver Bird’ soars to the top


PSC Golf Bunker Boys at The Ranch

Monday, Sept. 28, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

The ‘Silver Bird’, a.k.a. P.J. Redmond, -glided home with a smooth 37 points to take first place today at the always challenging Mountain Shadow.  The rest of the field didn’t fare so well, averaging only 30 stableford points.

P.J. Redmond.

The course was in good shape and the recent rains seems to have contributed to the blossoming of many of the flowering shrubs and trees.  This is a really pretty place to spend the afternoon hitting that little white ball.

1st P.J. Redmond (26s) 37pts

2nd Geoff Cox (15) 35pts

3rd Tony Berry (12) 35pts

Near Pins: Gerry Cooney, P.J. Redmond

Wednesday, Sept. 30, Bangpakong – Stableford

Geoff Williams picked the perfect day/track to join the Bunker Boys for a round of golf in fun city.  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and Bangpakong Riverside is truly a Country Club in every sense of the word – well, not really.  It isn’t members only – thankfully!

Geoff took advantage of the beautiful weather and course to post 34 points for third place, and topped it off with a near pin.

Another Geoffrey, Geoff Parker topped the standings with a finely crafted 37 points while Jimmy Carr was just one behind in second

It may be a bit of a hike up the motorway to reach this lovely course but, for most of the Bunker Boys, it’s always worth the drive.

1st Geoff Parker (15) 37pts

2nd Jimmy Carr (18) 36pts

3rd Geoff Williams (13) 34pts

Near Pins: Geoff Williams, Jimmy Carr

Friday, Oct. 2, Crystal Bay C & A – Stableford

Before departing The Ranch, the conversation centered on our high expectations of being able to play the B-course for the first time in what seems like years.  Wasn’t to be however as it’s still under repair.  Oh well, C & A were in decent shape — fairways softening up and turning green, bunkers raked, and the greens running slow but true.  The consensus back at The Ranch was good course/good value.

‘Steady Eddie’ Geoff Parker was again to the fore as he posted a very commendable 42 points to take first place.  Ian Milne was right on his heels with 40 points, and Jimmy Carr again wasn’t far off the pace with 38.

1st Geoff Parker (15) 42pts

2nd Ian Milne (15) 40pts

3rd Jimmy Carr (18) 38pts

4th Les Hall (23) 35pts

Near Pins: Takeshi Hakozaki, Geoff Williams, Geoff Parker

Note:  The Bunker Boys, a PSC affiliated golf society, plays out of The Ranch Bar on Pattaya 3rd road (in front of the fire station, and almost opposite the Buffalo Bar).  We play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and meet at The Ranch at 9am for breakfast and transport.  Contact Buff on 086 0465091 or 0806055663 for all enquiries or check website: www.bunkersociety.com.