Murnin and Parker battle to the wire


Bunker Boys @ The Bowling Green

Monday, May 21, Eastern Star – Stableford

We haven’t played Eastern Star recently due to the poor condition of the greens, and it has to be said that there was a certain reluctance on the part of some members to make this return visit.  However, when we arrived at the course we were pleasantly surprised to find that there was a special offer for carts (300 Baht for single golfer) and that the course was almost empty.

As expected, the greens were painfully slow, particularly on the front nine, but the course was generally in good shape.  The round was completed without any holdups, and the general consensus was that our return visit had been worthwhile.

Tom Jones practicing the new golf swing  Tom Jones practicing the new golf swing

Mashi was the only golfer to come close to managing the tricky course and difficult greens, whilst Friday’s winner, Barry Murnin, crashed back to earth in spectacular fashion to take home the wooden spoon.

1st Mashi Kaneta (10) 35pts

2nd Colin Greig (7) 33pts

3rd Dave Keats (28) 32pts

Near Pins:  John Graham, Tony Robbins and Colin Greig.

Wednesday, May 23, Kabin Buri – Stableford

We’d been scheduled to play at Pleasant Valley today, but we decided it was long overdue to organise a road trip, so hasty arrangements were made to take 2 groups of golfers to Kabin Buri for an overnight stay and two rounds of golf.  The numbers were down due to the short notice, condo sales, injuries and other acts of god, but all members who made the trip enjoyed playing the different courses.

The Kabin Buri course was in its usual excellent condition, and even though the greens were recovering from recent coring, they still ran true.  The fairways were green and lush, and the weather was overcast and cool, so perfect conditions for a round of golf.

Geoff Parker and Barry Murnin had an epic battle, with Geoff having a six point lead after the front nine and Barry reeling him in hole by hole, eventually culminating in both finishing on 35 points (after Geoff duffed a short chip on the 18th green – pressure!), and Barry took the honours on the count back.

1st Barry Murnin (15) 35pts

2nd Geoff Parker (14) 35pts

3rd Mike Corner (19) 34pts

Thursday, May 24, Hillside Country Home Resort – Stableford

The second course in Kabin Buri is not everyone’s favourite and it has to be said that the greens still verge on the diabolical, but the course layout is good with an excellent variety of holes.  It’s a thinking course where wayward tee shots are punished unmercifully and simply bashing the ball doesn’t work, which Barry Murnin found to his cost on the front nine, before once again recovering on the inward nine.

We had a brief 15 minute shower of rain on the back nine, but were able to resume without further delay.  Despite the interruption Ken Young played a steady round and wasn’t bothered by the slow and bumpy greens, recording his best score for some considerable time to take first place,

1st Ken Young (28) 39pts

2nd Geoff Parker (14) 38pts

3rd Paul Corner (16) 37pts

Everyone agreed that the overnight stay at the superb Kantary hotel and two rounds of golf were excellent value for money, and we may make it a more regular part of the fixture list in the future.

Friday, May 25, Greenwood A & B – Stableford

We haven’t played Greenwood for several weeks, since on our last visit the greens were infested with moss, and almost unplayable.  Thankfully on this visit there were signs of improvement, but still some very rough areas, and it looks as though it will be quite some time before they are back to their previous good condition.

John Graham played steadily throughout the round to take the honours on the day, ahead of Tom Jones, who had his first good round since returning from U.K.  Evidently Tom received some good advice from his caddy regarding his stance and swing (after, in his own words, paying hundreds of pounds to various golf pro’s), so I trust she was adequately compensated.

1st John Graham (10) 38pts

2nd Tom Jones (23) 33pts

3rd Geoff Parker (14) 32pts

Near Pins:  John Graham, and Colin Greig.

Note:  The Bunker Boys are a PSC affiliated golf society who now play out of the Bowling Green on Soi X-Zyte between Pattaya 3rd Road and Soi Buakhaow.  We play three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so if you enjoy a fun day out, and a friendly but competitive golf competition why not come and join us.

We meet at the Bowling Green at 9 a.m. for breakfast and transportation, and new players with valid handicaps are always welcome.  For more information call Dave on 087 146 9978, email dave. evelyn18