Mark & Ole triumph at tough Jungle course


PSC Golf from the Phantom Golf Society

Wednesday, Feb. 24, Wangjuntr Jungle Course – Stableford

Despite the golf course being considerably further away than normal, we had a tremendous response with 38 players on the starting sheet and with a booked first tee time of 10.30am we arrived in good time after an 8.30am departure from Pattaya. 

As usual, it was the long climb up the steps to check in and locker room and then the bus/truck out to the assembly area and then it was a 15 minute ride in our golf carts to the first tee on Jungle course.  The first group got away pretty much on time and then everyone else followed but there were no real delays and the pace was quite good.

Ole Madsen.

This is an interesting layout with many “traps” for the unsuspecting golfer, as can be shown in lots of the scores, but the course was in good shape and the greens were fine and most of us finished our rounds in about four and a quarter hours.

We had 2 flights with five places in each.  There were also rewards for nearest the pins on the four par threes and longest first putts on the 9th and 18th greens.

In A Flight there were 2 golfers on 36 points so a count back was needed which resulted in first place being awarded to Mark Wood (18 points on second nine) and second spot to Per Aschan (16 points on second nine), with Paul Smith finishing third with 35 points.  With 3 golfers having 34 points another count back was required and that meant fourth spot went to Dominick Downey (19 points on second nine), with Mike Allidi (16 points on second nine) grabbing fifth place and Peter Kelly (13 points on second nine) just missing out.

With 38 points and the best score of the day it was Ole Madsen who won the B Flight, 2 points ahead of Paul West in second place.  Another count back took place to decide third & fourth places and that meant Yoshaki Kobayashi (20 points on second nine) came third from Jim Reilly (13 points on second nine) in fourth spot.  Once more it was count back time with three players on 29 points and that gave Colin “Donkey” Davis (16 points on second nine, 9 points on the last 6 holes & 5 points on the last 3 holes) fifth place, with Tommy Carlson (16 points on second nine, 9 points on the last 6 holes & 4 points on the last 3 holes) & Brian Wilkinson (15 points on second nine) just missing out.

A Flight (0-14)

1st Mark Wood (9) 36pts

2nd Per Aschen (9) 36pts

3rd Paul Smith (2) 35pts

4th Dominick Downey (12) 34pts

5th Mike Allidi (2) 38pts

B Flight (15+)

1st Ole Madsen (19) 38pts

2nd Paul West (17) 36pts

3rd Yoshaki Kobayashi (18) 31pts

4th Jim Reilly (25) 31pts

5th Colin Davies (21) 29pts

Near Pins: 3rd – Jim Lanzo, 5th – Ole Madsen, 12th – Peter Hynard, 17th – Mike Allidi

Long Putts: 9th – Paul Withall, 18th – Jim Lanzo

Note: The Phantom Golf Society welcomes golfers of any persuasion – low & high handicappers alike, female golfers and beginners.  We generally play Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, meeting at The Phantom Bar in Soi Buakhow at 8.00 am with transport departing at 8.30 am. Breakfast is now available at the Phantom Bar from 7.30am onwards. For bookings or more information please contact Peter on 0806 351 386 or email to [email protected].