Gaussa gets the nod


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, Feb. 26, Royal Lakeside – Stableford

This is a day you try to get a lift with a friend, as it is the most distant course we play on a regular basis.  However, we do have a brave few who actually like the drive, they are checked regularly for insanity.  Normally the drive to a course is not too bad but this trip does get a bit busy as we drive both ways at peak hours.

Still the drive there was not too bad and we were soon changed and on the first tee on time.  However it was packed, it is difficult for the course not to let certain players jump in, so being ever inventive it was not hard to get the starter to let us tee off on the tenth.

Dick Warberg (right) presents the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month award to Mike Gaussa.Dick Warberg (right) presents the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month award to Mike Gaussa.

We got away sometime near normal time and the course was in its usual fine condition, however there was a residue of sanding on the greens that really should have slowed them down.  It seems however that they were still really fast and tricky.  Since the rework the course seems to have got much tougher and on a day such as this, when it was very windy, the scores would be low.

We will not talk about the drive back, suffice to say the passengers in the car, scribe included, noticed the trip seemed very quick.  Probably because most were asleep, however the driver was fine, I am glad to say.  So we got back to Tropical Bert’s in good time.

Tuesday’s top four back at Bert’s.Tuesday’s top four back at Bert’s.

So to the results and on this day we also had the MBMG Group Gofer of The Month award to hand out, and the day’s results would have a big impact on the outcome.  The winner on the day was Mashi Kaneta with 37 points on count back over Mike Gaussa in second.  We then had a count back on 36 points that saw Mark West in third, John Hackett in fourth and Graham Buckingham just missing out.

So to the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month, and it was a tight finish, however by coming second on the final day we saw Mike Gaussa just ahead.  Well done Mike.  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Brian Gabe, Doug Maiko, James Ferris, Mike Gaussa

Long Putts:  John Hackett