Cotterell’s carve up the spoils


The Billabong Bar Golf Society

Wednesday, June 5, Green Valley – Stableford

The rain didn’t stay away for our game at Green Valley today – when we started it was raining and it only let up on the fourteenth.  It wasn’t that hard but it was a little uncomfortable.  However, with four groups we virtually had the course to ourselves.

Great to see Cottee back home and giving me some stick about the State of Origin going to New South Wales.  Just remember it was only the first game and Queensland had to give you a chance!

Wayne Cotterell with wife Eng.Wayne Cotterell with wife Eng.

Now back to golf, in third place today was Eng Cotterell with 34 points while second went to Wayne Cotterell with 36 points.  The winner was Paul Sharples with a fine 37 points.

There were no ‘2’’s recorded today.

Friday, June 7, Plutaluang – Stableford

Playing our favourite loops at the Navy today – East and South – fortunately there was a large tournament on West and North with a shotgun start but there were not many people on our side, so it was a four hour round.  While the weather was overcast we got no rain at all, I think it stayed around Green Valley and St Andrew’s by all accounts.

We were joined today by Peter Henderson, Brian Orr and Mike Phillip’s; Peter just having a new knee fitted he was in some pain but persevered and had a good day out.

Wayne Cotterell had another good day – scoring 42 points to take the honour’s by four points over Mike Phillips on 38.  The scores went downhill from there with these two golfers being the only ones to break par.

The course was in great condition with only the odd skinny lie, all in all a good day out.

Note:  If you are looking for a game of golf with some friendly golfers, give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 or call into the bar just off Siam Country Club Road, looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.