Chatt sparkles at Crystal Bay


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Sept. 9, Crystal Bay – Stableford

We were allocated the C and A courses today as the B was closed and the cut in division 1 was 6 -16 and 21+ in division 2.  We were playing off the whites today at 6450 yards and in division 1 there were some remarkable scores.

At the presentation back at Siam Cats a remarkable 33 points was discovered to be the lowest score in the top division.  With 17 points on the front nine on the C course and 24 on the back nine, Mike Chatt won division 1 with 41 points.  Lindsay Phillips scored 17 and 21 to finish second and Kari Kuparinen, playing off 6, was third with 37.

Wichai Tannunsorn.Wichai Tannunsorn.

Poor old Billy Fitzgerald and Terry Madsen were in tears after scoring 36 points each and not making it into the winners’ enclosure today.

Andy Crabb topped division 2 with 38 points, beating who? yes, count back Burnie Sinclair 17/16, and Fred Temminck was third with 33 points.

Bryan Rought birdied C4 for the only ‘2’ in division 1 and there were four rollovers to Pattana in division 2.

Near pins went to Mike Chatt, Lindsay Phillips, Bryan Rought, Harry Vincenzi, Glenn King, Burnie Sinclair and Fred Temminck.

Wednesday, Sept. 11, Pattana – Stableford

As we all arrived and wandered down to the starter’s desk we were told the A course was shut today and could we please start off the B, not everyone’s favourite starting hole with the water running up both sides of the fairway.  Yet again there were a few murmurs on the first tee as to which tee to play from for both divisions and we selected the white tees.  It was ‘pick clean and place’ on the fairways and fringe due to the heavy rain here overnight.

After the round back in the clubhouse we got together and discussed the tee placements on a few of the courses we play, and our thoughts are that in future division 1 will play one from the back and division 2 two from the black or blue tees, but this will probably be only on 3/4 courses, more thoughts to be discussed.

In his last game before a five week trip with his beloved to Down Under, Lindsay Phillips won division 1 with 36 points ahead of Kari Kuparinen in second on 33.

Tony Thorne.Tony Thorne.

Eiichi Matsumoto beat Rod Howett on a 16/15 back nine count back to win division 2 after they both came in with 31 points each.

Terry Madsen birdied the second on the C course for the only 2 in division 1 and there were more rollovers in division 2 to Bangpra on Monday.

Friday, Sept. 13, Eastern Star – Stableford

As we passed Buddha Mountain on our way to the course the clouds in the distance looked really threatening and as we turned on to the 332 the heavens opened.  The heavy rain continued until we reach the clubhouse and the thoughts were, shall we play today.  But we all got changed, the rain stopped and the skies cleared so we all booked in for our green fees and a normal round of golf with no cancellations.

Division 1 today was 6-15 and 16 + in division 2 and ‘pick, clean and place’ was implemented from the first tee onwards and this was needed throughout the round with sodden patches and worm casts on the majority of the  fairways.

Wichai Tannunsorn recorded the best score of the day, winning division 1 with 36 points.  Marty Rock was second with 33 points and Karl Flood took third one point behind.

Frank Kelly was the winner in division 2 with 35 points, with Roar Berger second on 34 and in his last round for 4 weeks, Paul Hartley captured third with 32.

Coming in from China, David Daz birdied the 6th hole for the only ‘2’ in division 2 while a rollover ensued in division 1 to next Friday.

Near pins went to Wichai Tannunsorn, Tony Thorne, David Daz and Ian Walsh (2).