Browne & Baccioli again


Phoenix Tuesday/Friday Golf Group.

Friday 1st June would be the last game on the Mountain course for a while.  We were told that the Ocean course would be open by next Tuesday.  We all hold our breath hoping that the ground-staff have not decided to open the newly maintained course too early and it is in poor condition.  We wait with bated breath!

Onto the game today, which was most enjoyable with nice clear skies with a cool breeze.  Well, of course it would have been a good day.  Yours truly was the winner with 36 points, followed closely by Stuart Gordon with 35 points and John Willoughby third with 33 points.  Sadly we said goodbye to John for a while whilst he goes back to Sweden for the summer (he is English but lives and works in Sweden).

Giorgio Baccioli and Patrick Browne with a staff member at The Relax Bar. Giorgio Baccioli and Patrick Browne with a staff member at The Relax Bar.

Our main day was, of course Tuesday 4th June.  Well we were all pleasantly pleased to find that, at last, the management and ground-staff have finally listened to much given advice and waited until the Ocean course was in superb condition before opening it (the first time in 10 years that I can remember that they have done that).  So, not instead of closing a good course and opening a poor course we can enjoy pristine conditions at all times.  Let’s hope it lasts!  Our sincere congratulations go to all involved.

Winners today were Giorgio Baccioli and Patrick Browne with 36 points each.  Giorgio would have been the clear winner but it was difficult to split the prizes so we awarded the same to each player.  Behind on 34 points to claim third place was Bill Hewitt.

Two near pins today were won by Patrick Browne & Bill Hewitt.  Lucky draw prizes (donated by our hosts The Relax Bar, went to John (“I never win the lucky draw”) Bartley and Stuart Gordon.

Next week we play for the KPK Food Services prize under Stableford rules.

Note:  We play every Tuesday and Friday at Phoenix.  If anyone is interested in golf or sea fishing call me (Mike) on 087 091 7565.