An electric eclectic for all


PSC golf from The Golf Club

First off to some important news: The Golf Club Kabinburi Road Trip is on for July 9-10 so get signed up soon as we only have 16 places available.

Monday, June 3, Green Valley (white tees) – Stableford

1st Jeff Cordeiro (9) 40pts

2nd Steve Little (6) 38pts

T3rd Paul Greenaway (8) 36pts

T3rd Geoff Doody (23) 36pts

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the competition know as an “eclectic”, it is a fun comp where you play the same course for 2 days and take your best score from each hole to get your “eclectic” score.  This can lead to a lot of pressure on the second day as those holes where you may have stumbled on day 1 are now even more important.  Handy tip: Don’t forget to keep your scorecard from the first day!

Hold the phone! Great shooting for Barry, Mashi and Phil.Hold the phone! Great shooting for Barry, Mashi and Phil.

And so it was to be our Green Valley eclectic for early June with Pattaya’s finest out in full force.  Day one saw perfect weather and an immaculate golf course in front of us.  Phil greeted several ‘Darksiders’ who joined up with us on the first tee and the game was afoot.

It really does help to start off this two-day comp with a half decent first round, but this format can be full of surprises!  40 points is always hard to beat, and Jeff Cordeiro scored just that.  Four strokes better than his handicap of 9 is a great round of golf, so well played Jeffrey!

That name Steve Little has been around for the last several weeks and once again Stevie had a podium placing with 38 points for second.  Paul Greenaway and Geoff Doody shot to their handicap to tie for third to set the stage for Tuesday’s second round decider.

Tuesday, June 4, Green Valley (white tees) – Stableford

1st Mike Newbert (9) 39pts

2nd Steve Little (6) 35pts

3rd Jimmy Brackett (7) 34pts

The single digit handicappers took over the podium for today’s comp and left the rest in their dust.  Day two saw Mike Newbert (not even in the frame yesterday) shoot his best and win the thing with a solid 39 points.  Steve Little once again took second in his stride while our old pal Jimmy Brackett, just back from the Arizona sunshine, scored 34 for third place.

Jimmy ended up singing for his supper and treated us to a medley of songs (on Gabe’s guitar) as the electricity was being torn up on Soi Buakhao and left us in the dark.  It was just like that scene from Titanic, and the band played on.  We all survived quite nicely, thank you very much, and the lights were back on and Jimmy took a bow.  Thanks buddy!

Eclectic Results

1st Steve Little (6) 49pts

2nd Mike Newbert (9) 45pts

3rd Phil Smedley (10) 40pts

I told you this type of comp can be full of surprises!  Phil Smedley never factored in any podium placings, yet for the comp he got away with third place from out of nowhere!  Great job Phil, and a heck of a comeback.

Mike fought hard but fell just short of Steve Little’s victorious 49pts, which is great golf and we are all glad to see Steve leave on a high note after a fortnight of fine shooting.  All the best mate and see you in a few months with your Monthly Medal shirt.

Thursday, June 6, Greenwood (white tees) – Stableford

T1st Phil Smedley (11) 39pts

T1st Mashi Kaneta (14) 39pts

3rd Barry Collier (8) 35pts

The reports were all raves about the condition of Greenwood, one of our favourite golf courses in the area.  What the heck got into Smedders?  He started the week out slowly and then ended it with a bang.  Our own Captain Phil Smedley took top honours with a terrific 39 points to end up a great week of golf.  As a special prize, he will have a newly painted Toyota minibus all spruced up to drive the lads around our Pattaya golf course venues!

Congratulations to Mashi also with 39pts to share the win and Barry Collier who finally got on the podium with 35.

Note:  The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro.  We try to schedule summer “Sports Days”, so come join us for a seriously fun day out.  Just call 085 434 3377 or see our website www.golfclubpattaya .com and for more information mail us: pattaya4golf and see updates at… all handicaps welcome!