Alan takes the Biss-cuit


The Backyard Golf Society

Last Friday’s Backyard golf outing at Emerald was a very slow affair, with our lads catching the Beaver players as early as hole #4 and then having to wait on all of the remaining holes.  That said, we got off the course early enough to prevent ‘The Quiet Man’ from fretting too much about getting down the road.

The winner today and taking the biss-cuit was Alan ‘the Biss’.  The Biss also shared the near-pin with ‘Mr Quiet’, apparently no one was bothered about too accurate a measurement on the par 3, 15th green.

The Biss also won 7 of the 18 skins, with 4 going to the newly rebadged Neville ‘The Impregnator’ Scurrell.  The old-age dad will be heading over to The Philippines at the end of November to wed his ‘sheila’ Irish.  ‘The Quiet Man’ won 3 skins, Irish John (not related in any way to the future Mrs. Impregnator) won 2 and we have 2 rolled over to next week’s game.

It was welcome back today to Mickey the Yak (and Mrs Yak as well of course), over here for some relaxation in the Land of Smiles.  Irish John also returned from his 3 week Guinness appreciation trip to The Old Sod.

We have lost Mr. Oddie on a trip to Chang Mai; rumours that he has headed up there for a dicey operation on his syrup of fig will only be proven if he returns with a new rug for next week’s game.  Foos yer Doos has also departed to the calm, warm waters of offshore Aberdeen.